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Air Date/Released Tuesday, January 1, 1963
Station/Studio Commercial
Featuring Moe, Larry and Curly Joe

The Three Stooges play multiple roles in these fast-paced sixty-second commercials. Reportedly, three were filmed, but only one has turned up (or survives).

The Stooges are pharmacists awaiting delivery of Aqua Net Hair Spray. Warehousemen (the Stooges) and truckers (also the Stooges) come through, and our pharmacists deliver the product to three men (who else, but the Stooges?) with a hot date and gifts of flowers, candy, and Aqua Net!

The discovery of these commercials, their production background, and comments from director Edgar Beaty was detailed in The Three Stooges Journal # 58 (Summer 1991).

Cast: Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Joe DeRita, Charlene Holt

Crew: Edgar Beaty (Writer, Director)
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