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Air Date/Released Friday, September 2, 1949
Station/Studio Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies
Host/Star Porky Pig

Adventurer Porky Pig embarks in his plane to Wackyland, in search of the last remaining Do-Do Bird, and the bounty reward. Surreal surroundings and characters inspired by Lewis J. Carroll and Salvador Dali greet Porky, before he finds the Do-Do and begins the chase thru logic-defying Wackyland.

The Three Stooges cameo as a three-headed goon, whose "mama was scared by a pawn broker's sign."

A remake of the b&w PORKY IN WACKYLAND (1938), with extensive stock footage. The film's color artists must have been from Wackyland... Moe has blonde hair.

Voice cast: Mel Blanc (Voices)

Crew: Friz Freleng (Director, new footage), Bob Clampett (Director, archive footage), Norman McCabe and I. Ellis (Animators, archive footage), Virgil Ross, Gerry Chiniquy, Manuel Pierce, Ken Chapin (Animators, new footage), Carl Stalling (Music)
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