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BOB NEWHART SHOW, THE – My Son, the Comedian

Air Date/Released Saturday, November 19, 1977
Station/Studio CBS / MTM Enterprises Inc.
Host/Star Bob Newhart

Chicago psychologist Bob Hartley, and his wife Emily, deal with day to day life and the eccentrics that pass through their personal and professional lives.

Howard's son wants to become a standup comedian, and enrolls in a low-rent comedy school run by Mickey Melnick. All seems harmless until Howard tells him he's too young to join Melnick's road show, and young Howie runs away. Melnick's comedy school features framed pictures of The Marx Brothers in A NIGHT IN CASABLANCA (1946), Laurel & Hardy in LEAVE 'EM LAUGHING (1928) and The Three Stooges in WHAT'S THE MATADOR? (1942).

Cast: Bob Newhart (Bob Hartley), Suzanne Pleshette (Emily Hartley), Peter Bonerz (Jerry Robinson), Bill Daily (Howard Borden), Marcia Wallace (Carol Kester Bondurant), Jack Riley (Elliot Carlin), Moosie Drier (Howie Borden), Elizabeth Kerr (Minnie Farber), Bobby Ramsen (Mickey Melnick), Johnny West (Jackie Whitefeather)

Crew: Dick Martin (Director, Creative Consultant), David Lloyd (Writer), David Davis, Lorenzo Music (Creators), Michael Zinberg (Executive Producer), Glen Charles, Les Charles (Producers)
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