Stooges' Lost Episodes, The (The Fifty Never Before Released Stooge Adventures)
Set in medieval times the Stooges are troubadours who help Cedric the Blacksmith see his love, the Princess Elaine. At night the stooges sneak onto the palace grounds to serenade her but are spotted by the Black Prince, who wants Elaine for himself. Thrown in the dungeon, the boys escape & manage to foil the Black Prince, who had orders to have Cedric beheaded & the King assassinated. A grateful King allows Elaine & Cedric to be wedded.
Remade as KNUTZY KNIGHTS (1954), with stock footage.
Costar Harold "Bill" Brauer ('Sir Satchell') was a guest of the 1989 Three Stooges Convention in Philadelphia. See The Three Stooges Journal # 51 (Fall 1989) for the story.
Shemp Howard
Moe Howard
Larry Fine
Robert Stevens
Guard in blacksmith shop
Joe Palma
Guard in blacksmith shop
Jock Mahoney
Cedric the Blacksmith
Christine McIntyre
Princess Elaine
Phil Van Zandt
Black Prince
Vernon Dent
King Arthur
Harold Brauer
Sir Satchel
Douglas Coppin
King's personal guard
Joe Garcio
Robert Stevens
Guard giving chase
Joe Palma
Guard giving chase
Judy Malcolm
Woman in King's entourage
B. Edney
Moe's stand-in
Harold Breen
Shemp's stand-in
Joe Murphy
Larry's stand-in
Joe Gordon
Vernon Dent's stand-in
Sentry guard
King's entourage
Hugh McCollum
Edward Bernds
Edward Bernds
Story and Screenplay
Allen G. Siegler
Director of Photography
Henry DeMond
Film Editor
Harold MacArthur
Art Director
Charles Clague
Art Director
Carter DeHaven Jr.
Assistant Director
P. J. Faulkner
Sound Mixer
Frank Goodwin
Sound Mixer
Walter Meins
Don Murphy
Paul Seckler
Ray Hunt
Paul Mertz
Leonard Berman
Hugo Friedhofer
Prod. No.: | 4082 |
Shooting Days: | 4 days From: 1946-12-09 To: 1946-12-12 |
No audio files are available for this episode.
This short starts off with a camera close-up on a cold, dark, dank, dreary, and spooky old castle on a cold, windy, and blustery winters night with this saying:
We are now inside of a livery stable where we see Moe and Larry frantically taking off their iron suits and throwing them madly and loudly onto the floor, with disgusted looks on their faces. We now see Shemp entering in as he is also struggling with getting his suit off and has a look of dismay on face.
SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (In general discussion as he has a look of pain on his face about getting his suit off says): "Hey, give me a hand fellas, will ya!?"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe has a mad look on his face and is grabbing Shemp by his arm says): "Come on over here, hold still!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is frantically prying away at Shemp\'s suit sleeve with a crowbar and has a determined look on his face while Larry is standing there with a painful and dumbfounded look on his face as he is helping Moe by pumping his arm as Moe says): "This is really caught!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Shemp is standing there leaning to his left with a look of dismay on his face while Moe is now taking the crowbar once again and is wildly and crazily pounding away on Shemp\'s suit and prying at it in a state of determination and mischief on his face, while Larry is standing there with a look of wonderment on his face and his hands on Moe\'s shoulder as Moe says): "Loosen it up!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is shaking his head in a state of forget it and has a look of mischief on his face, while Larry is standing there with a look of sorry and dismay on his face as Moe says): "Hunh, I can\'t get it off!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is giving Shemp a mad look and has madness in his voice as Larry is standing by Moe and giving Shemp a look of helplessness as Moe says to Shemp): "How did ya get in that thing?"
SHEMP to MOE: (As he is still leaning to his left and has a look of mischief on his face and mischief in his voice says to Moe who is looking at Shemp madly as Moe is setting down the crowbar): "I was always popping rivets, so I had my tailour spot weld me!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe has a devious look on his face and Larry has a look of dismay on his face as Moe says to Shemp): "Spot weld ya, fine thing!"
Moe is now slapping Shemp hard on his face. Moe has now missed Shemp\'s face and has hit his helmet. Moe is now taking his sore hand and is yelling loudly in pain, as Larry is standing there with a really hurtful look on his face and Moe is in a state of thorough madness is now removing Shemp\'s helmet.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Larry is standing there with a worried look on his face as Moe has now a look of madness on his face as he is hand Shemp his helmet says): "Hold that!"
Moe is now furiously mad at Shemp as he picks up the crowbar and gives Shemp a good, hard crack on his coconut. Larry is standing there with a horrified look on his face while Shemp is yelling out loudly in pain, \'ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh\'!
MOE to SHEMP: (As Shemp is standing there in total pain as he is rubbing his head. Moe has a mad look on his face and is shouting to Shemp): "Now, I\'ll have to bust you out of that hardware, bend overe there!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Shemp is bent over and Moe has now picked up a sledge hammer and has a mad look on his face while Larry has a look of pain on his face. Moe is now getting ready to hit Shemp with it says): "Now, hold still!"
As Moe was getting ready to hit Shemp with the sledge hammer to try and get his suit off of him. Moe has now hit Larry hard in the face with the sledge hammer. Larry is now rubbing his face and saying, \'ooh, ooh, in pain. Moe now goes back to try and remove Shemp from his suit by hitting him hard with the sledge hammer, but instead of getting Shemp\'s suit he has now hit Shemp hard in the head and Shemp is yelling loudly in pain, \'ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Moe is now furiously mad as he has now pushed Larry back and throws the sledge hammer on the ground in a total state of madness as both Shemp and Larry are standing there in total pain.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is in a really mad mood as he shoves Larry and is picking up the sledge hammer again and hits Larry with it says): "Always clownin\' around, outta my way!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe has now once again picked up the sledge hammer for one final try at getting Shemp out of his suit shouts madly): "Bend over there!"
As Moe was getting ready to try and get Shemp out of his suit we now hear horses riding up to the livery stable. Moe has now dropped the sledge hammer. Shemp, Larry, and Moe have jumped back and are looking at the stable door with worried looks on their faces. A couple of guardsmen have now enterend the stable with their \'chisel sticks\', (swords), extended at Larry, Moe, and Shemp. Larry, Shemp, and Moe are now standing there with really painful looks on their faces as the guardsmen are looking at them madly.
GUARDSMAN to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (As the guardsman is pointing his chisel stick at them and has a mad look on his face shouts): "Stand where you are!"
SHEMP to the GUARDSMAN: (As Shemp is jumping back in fear with Moe and Larry are also standing in fear as they all have worried looks on their faces as Shemp says): "Oh, no, I can\'t, are you kiddin\'?"
We are now looking at the two guardsmen who are furiously mad.
GUARDSMEN to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (Still with their chisel sticks extended at them and furious looks on their faces and is shouting to Larry, Shemp, and Moe): "Which one of you is Cedric The Blacksmith?"
LARRY, SHEMP, and MOE to the GUARDSMEN: (In unison as they are standing there and are looking at the guardsmen in a worried state and shaking their heads in disagreement to the chisel stick slinging guardsmen): "Not me!"
MOE to the GUARDSMEN: (As Moe, Shemp, and Larry have mischievous looks on their faces as Moe says): "We\'re Three Troubadours, on the way to the Court Of King Arthur!"
GUARDSMEN to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (In a questionable tone of voice says): "Troubadours?"
SHEMP to the GUARDSMEN: (As Moe, Larry, and Shemp are standing there with smiles on their faces as Shemp says): "Yeah, sing and dance like this, \'Ah One, \'Ah Two, \'Ah Three\'!"
Just after Shemp has finished counting we now see Shemp, Larry, and Moe with smiles on their faces a doing a soft shoe style of a dance while they are singing:
("So we stuck our little tootsies in the water. And we ducked under the waves, we did, ha ha!"):
Larry, Shemp, and Moe have now completed their song and dance routine. A guardsman is now furiously mad and has applied a triple face slap to Larry, Moe, and Shemp.
GUARDSMAN to SHEMP, LARRY, and MOE: (Shouting at them madly after he has applied the triple face slap asks): "If you\'re Troubadours, why the armour?"
SHEMP to the GUARDSMAN: (As Shemp is mischievously walking up to the guardsman an says to him in a mischief voice tone): "Well, listen sarge, did you ever see a Troubadour get hit in the kisser with a nice, ripe tomato?, look, you see a tomato coming, wham you close the door, when the critiqués are all through, then you open it up again!"
While Shemp was talking to the guardsman, he was demonstrating with his helmet on how to avoid being hit in the kisser by a tomato, by opening and shutting the face plate on his helmet. Moe and Larry were standing there with mischievous looks on their faces.
MOE to the GUARDSMAN: (As Moe has a look of mischief on his face and pride in his voice as well as Larry and Shemp): "And, the way we sing, they sometimes throw rocks!"
GUARDSMAN to MOE: (As he has a mad look on his face and still holding onto his chisel stick, says): "I can believe that!"
The guardsmen are now starting to leave as Shemp, Larry, and Moe are starting to relax. The guardsmen have now turned around abruptly and are looking at Larry, Moe, and Shemp with mad looks on their faces while Larry, Shemp, and Moe have mad and hurtful looks on their faces.
GUARDSMEN to SHEMP, LARRY, and MOE: (As they are leaving in a mad state and are shouting): "If you see Cedric The Smith, report the news to the Black Prince, and you will be well rewarded, he has sworn to have Cedric\'s head!"
The guardsmen are now leaving in a thorough state of madness as Moe, Shemp, and Larry are following behind them in a state of panic and worry.
LARRY to SHEMP, and MOE: (With a perplexed look on his face and worry in his voice asks): "What does he want Cedric\'s head for, ain\'t he got one of his own?"
SHEMP to LARRY: (As he is giving Larry a mischievous look and has mischief in his voice says): "You dope, two heads are better than one!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is laughing hysterically along with Shemp says): "Two heads are better than one!"
MOE to LARRY and SHEMP: (As Larry and Shemp are laughing and Moe is in a mad mood and a mad voice tone as he slaps both of them on their faces): "Get out, you idiots, they\'re gonna give him a haircut down to here!" (Moe has now taken his hand and has placed it under his neck to represent an axe blade).
Larry and Shemp are now in states of madness and thorough worry and pain, as they are placing their hands on their necks.
LARRY to SHEMP: (In a horrified voice says): "I\'d hate to be in his shoes!"
SHEMP to LARRY and MOE: (In a state of worry and madness says): "I\'d hate to be in his collar!"
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As Shemp and Larry have looks of hurt on their faces and Moe has his hands on his waist and a really worried look on his face says): "I\'d hate to be him!"
As Shemp, Moe, and Larry are talking about the fate of poor Cedric The Blacksmith, we now see Cedric approaching them from behind a horse\'s watering trough.
LARRY to MOE and SHEMP: (As Larry has a worried look on his face as well Shemp and Moe and they have worried sounding voices as Larry asks): "Yeah, but what does he want Cedric\'s head for?"
CEDRIC to LARRY, SHEMP, and MOE: (As Cedric is now approaching them in a polite manner and has a worried voice tone says): "I\'ll tell you why!"
Cedric is now approaching Shemp, Moe, and Larry as we see them jumping back and looking at Cedric in a state of wonder. Cedric has now approached Moe, Larry, and Shemp with a look of hurt on his face and pain in his voice.
CEDRIC to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (As he is looking at Larry, Shemp, and Moe in a state of worry): "Because, I dare to love the fair Elaine!"
LARRY to CEDRIC: (As Shemp, Larry, and Moe are looking at Cedric in a state of worry and dismay and Larry is pointing a finger at Cedric and asks him): "Are you Cedric?"
CEDRIC to LARRY, MOE, and SHEMP: (As he is looking at them in a state of worry says in reference to Larry\'s question): "Yes, and it\'s my head that the Black Prince wants!"
Moe and Shemp are standing there looking at Cedric with serious and carrying looks on their faces.
LARRY to CEDRIC: (As Larry has a look of mischief and care on his face asks Cedric in a carrying tone of voice): "No, kiddin\', are you really that way about Elaine, hnuh?"
CEDRIC to MOE, LARRY, and SHEMP: (As he says in general discussion and has a worried look on his face): "Oh, I\'m mad about her, but the King has promised her to the Black Prince!"
As Cedric was talking to Shemp, Moe, and Larry about Elaine, Larry, Moe, and Shemp where looking at Cedric in a helpful state.
MOE to CEDRIC: (In a carrying tone of voice says): "Take it easy Cedric old boy, brace up, we\'ll help ya, won\'t we boys?"
We now see Shemp, Larry, and Moe standing with their hands extended forward and shaking in agreement with determined looks on their faces.
MOE to CEDRIC: (Shemp and Larry are looking at Cedric with carrying looks on their faces as Moe is pointing a finger at Cedric and has a determined look on his face says): "We can get in the Palace, see, we\'re Troubadours, see, so you stick with us!"
SHEMP and LARRY to CEDRIC: (In a state of mischief said): "See!" (Moe then replies back also in a state of mischief): "See!"
Shemp, Larry, and Moe are now holding onto each others hands shaking them as they are stating: MOE: "ONE FOR ALL!" SHEMP: "AND EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!"
Cedric has now taken hold of Larry, and Moe, and Shemp\'s hands to shake in agreement. As Cedric is shaking their hands, he is crushing their hands in pain. Shemp, Moe, and Larry now have really painful looks on their faces and are shouting in pain, \'Ooh, ooh, ooh!\'
Moe, Larry, and Shemp are now being let go from Cedric\'s powerful hand shake and are looking at their crippled hands that look now like bird claws.
SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As Shemp is looking at his hand in pain and showing it to them says): "And I gotta write a letter, fellas, look at my hand. look at my hand!"
LARRY to SHEMP and MOE: (As he is slightly crying and looking at them states): "I\'ll never be able to write under water!"
We now see Larry looking at his hand as he is trying to straighten it out, with Moe\'s hand still bent like a bird claw, as Moe is reaching over to straighten out Shemp\'s finger while Cedric is standing behind them looking at them in a state of dismay.
We now see Shemp, Moe, Larry, and Cedric peeking around a door way to see if the coast is clear, then they enter the Palace Entrance, and are now underneath a window.
CEDRIC to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (As Cedric is pointing at a window says): "That\'s her window up there!"
MOE to CEDRIC: (In a carrying tone of voice says): "We\'ll get her out!"
Shemp, Moe, and Larry are now standing underneath Elaine\'s window with Cedric as they are getting ready to seranade Elaine. We see Larry playing a fiddle, Moe is playing a guitar while Shemp is playing a squeeze box as they are singing:
"Oh Elaine, Elaine come out babe, take a look who is standing here, right here, the big boy is here, we see the coast is clear!"
SHEMP SOLO: "He wants to see you, so come out on your front porch!" (Shemp now applies a couple of squeezes on his squeeze box).
MOE to SHEMP: (As he slaps Shemp across his face and says madly): "Balcony, you knothead, ain\'t you got any romance?"
SHEMP to MOE: (Shouting at him in a state of madness says): "I could of said veranda, but I said porch!"
LARRY to SHEMP and MOE: (In a quiet and worried tone of voice): "Guys, nix!"
We now see a Palace guard who is walking out in a state of madness and a mad look on his face to see what the commotion is all about. As he takes a key that is hanging from a torch style light and is winding his clock while he is watching Moe, Larry, Shemp and Cedric.
We now see Larry, Moe, and Shemp singing a bunch of gibberish, while Cedric is watching to keep the guard off of them.
SHEMP and MOE: "Yoo, gee, ba, ba, ba, ba, yoo, ba, ba, ba, le, ha, yoo, yoo, bee, la, le, gee, ho, la, la, fee, ba, ba, ba, gee, ga, ga, la, fo, fo, tee, tee, gee, gee, gee!"
LARRY: "Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!"
All the while that Moe, Larry, and Shemp were singing their gibberish, Larry stuck his fiddle bow in Moe\'s mouth four times while Shemp when playing his squueze box he hit Moe thrice in the face. The Palace guard is now fed up with their "singing" as he has a mad look on his face and waves a hand at them in disgust.
Shemp, Larry, Moe, and Cedric are now looking at the Palace guard with looks of mischief on their faces.
MOE: (In general conversation to Larry, Shemp, and Cedric as he is watching the Palace guard leave as Moe waves his hand at the Palace guard in mischief says): "Ya, ho, a music lover!"
The Palace guard has now left and the coast is once again clear. Moe, Larry, and Shemp return to serenading Elaine with Cedric watching with a loving look on his face.
Larry, Shemp, and Moe serenading in unison under Elaine\'s window.
"Oh, Elaine, come out, oh please come out, time is short, the guards are hanging about. Your Cedric\'s here. No kiddin,\' Cedric\'s here!"
As Moe, Shemp, and Larry were serenading Elaine we see Elaine entering into her bedroom quarters with a sad look on her face. When she heard Shemp, Larry, and Moe singing about Cedric, she runs to her window smiling gleefully.
Elaine serenading back to sweetheart Cedric as she is looking out of her window adorningly at Cedric as she throws a single red rose at him.
ELAINE: "I see, I see, my darling Cedric standing there. I know, I know that I will soon be in his arms again."
STOOGES: "She knows, she knows, that she will soon be in his arms again!"
ELAINE: "Nee but flee, the Black Prince is lurking near. I will raise the shade, the lovely shade when the coast is clear."
STOOGES: "She will raise the shade, when the coast is clear. She will raise the shade, when the coast is clear. She will raise the......"
As Moe, Larry, and Shemp are serenading and dancing in glee with the very happy Elaine and smiling Cedric by Moe, Shemp, and Larry holding the rose that Elaine threw at him. The Black Prince has now entered Elaine\'s bedroom quarters and has grabbed Elaine by her shoulder and is pulling her back in, in a thorough state of madness. The Black Prince has now brought Elaine into her bedroom quarters while Moe, Shemp, and Larry are still singing, "She will raise the......"
The Black Prince is now looking of Elaine\'s window at the singing Shemp, Moe, and Larry with a demented look on his face.
Shemp, Moe, and Larry have now brought their serenading to a screeching hault as they see the Black Prince
MOE, LARRY, and SHEMP: (With a worried sounding voice tone as they are still singing, as they now see the Black Prince say in panic): "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"
CEDRIC to SHEMP, LARRY, and MOE: (As all of them are now in a state of panic with the Black Prince glaring at them through Elaine\'s window Cedric shouts): "The Black Prince!"
Cedric, Larry, Moe, and Shemp are now fleeing for their lives from the Black Prince in a full state of panic and fear shouting, \'Yoo, yoo, yoo, yoo, aah, aah, aah, aah!"
BLACK PRINCE: (As he is looking out of Elaine\'s window and is shouting loudly and in a mad voice about the fleeing \'Singing Troubadours" and their friend): "Call out the guards, come on!"
We are now back inside of Elaine\'s bedroom quarters where we see the Black Prince coming in from the window with Elaine looking at him in a total state of fear.
The King has now entered Elaine\'s bedroom quarters and is looking at The Black Prince, while Elaine is standing by their sides with a look of horror on her face.
KING to the BLACK PRINCE: (As the King is looking at the Black Prince with a look of dismay on his face says): "I heard you shout, what is it?"
BLACK PRINCE to the KING: (As the Black Prince is bowing at him and says to him in a calm voice): "Your majesty, Cedric The Blacksmith was below!"
We now see Elaine, The Black Prince, The King and a Palace Guard who just now has entered Elaine\'s bedroom quarters.
KING to ELAINE: (As he is looking at her with a very mad look on his face while she is standing by him with a look of hurt on her face): "So, he dare\'s to come here, the very Palace!"
KING to the PALACE GUARD: (As the King is now looking at the Palace Guard madly): "Take the Princess to my room!"
ELAINE to the KING: (With a hurtful look on her face as she says to him slightly crying): "Father!"
KING, (Father), to ELAINE: (With a mad look on his face and is shouting loudly to her): "Go!"
We now see Elaine leaving with the Palace Guard to go to her father\'s bedroom quarters with a look of hurt and madness on her face as she is going reluctantly.
KING to the BLACK PRINCE: (As the King and the Black Prince are still in Elaine\'s bedroom quarters he is giving the Black Prince a look of wonder and has his hands on his waist): "She\'ll be more easily guarded there!"
BLACK PRINCE to the KING: (As he is looking at the King with an ugly look on his face says): "But you, Majesty, where will you sleep?"
KING to the BLACK PRINCE: (In a total state of dismay as he answers the Black Prince\'s question): "Here, of course!" (The King is referencing to the Black Prince that he will be sleeping in Elaine\'s bedroom quarters).
BLACK PRINCE to the KING: (As he is removing his hat and is bowing at the King): "Yes, Sire!"
The Black Prince has now left Elaine\'s bedroom quarters. The King is now wiggling himself into his nightwear.
We now see Moe, Larry, Shemp, and Cedric peeking around the doorway that leads to the grounds underneath Elaine\'s bedroom quarters window. Moe, Shemp, Larry, and Cedric have now entered the grounds of Elaine\'s window.
MOE to SHEMP, CEDRIC, and LARRY: (As he is starring inside the doorway says to them): "This is a fine how do you do?"
SHEMP to MOE: (With a look of mischief on his face as he mischievously extends his hand to Moe says): "How do you do?"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe has a mad look on his face and slaps Shemp on his face says): "Quiet!"
As Moe was slapping Shemp, Larry and Cedric were standing there with hurtful looks on their faces.
We now see the King getting ready to retire for the night as he is walking over to Elaine\'s window and is raising the window shade.
We are now back on Moe, Larry, Shemp, and Cedric. They have now seen the window shade being lifted and they think it is Elaine\'s signal about the coast being clear so she can see Cedric.
MOE to LARRY, SHEMP, and CEDRIC: (As he is looking at Shemp and Larry with a happy look on his face as Moe is pointing to the raised window shade): "The signal, the coast is clear!"
LARRY to SHEMP and MOE: (As Larry has a look of dismay on his face and says in a voice of worry): "We can\'t get in the Palace, they must have guards all over the place!"
SHEMP to LARRY and MOE: (As Shemp is gesturing with his hands and says in a mischievous voice as he is turning to leave): "Well, let\'s go home!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Shemp is getting ready to leave he is being pulled back by Moe is yelling in pain, "Ooh, ooh, as Moe says to Shemp): "Quiet!"
MOE to SHEMP, LARRY, and CEDRIC: (As Moe has a look of determination on his face and says to them as Moe is looking up at Elaine\'s window): "I got and idea, one of us could climb that trellis."
LARRY to SHEMP, MOE, and CEDRIC: (In a state of mischief says): "Yeah, one of us!"
SHEMP to LARRY, MOE, and CEDRIC: (In a state of mischief as Cedric has his hands on Shemp\'s shoulders): "Yeah, that\'s a swell idea, one of us!"
Shemp is now turning his head first looking at Moe, then looking at Larry, while Cedric still has his hands on Shemp\'s shoulders. As Larry and Moe are now starring Shemp down and Shemp is getting the idea that he is the chosen one.
SHEMP to LARRY, MOE and CEDRIC: (As Shemp was trying to make a break for it, but is now caught by Moe and Larry and being carried over to the window trellis. Shemp is kicking his legs in mid air and says): "Wait a minute fellas, not me, no, I get dizzy, I get dizzy, kid!"
LARRY to SHEMP: (As Shemp is being lifted over to the trellis as Cedric is following behind smiling): "Come on, go on, get going!"
Larry and Moe have now dropped Shemp down by the trellis and are looking at Shemp with mad looks on their faces while Cedric has a look of dismay on his face.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Shemp is now cornered into the trellis by Larry, Moe, and Cedric as Moe says): "Go on, get up there!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is giving Moe a mad look and is saying to Moe in a mad voice): "Now wait a minute, wait a minute, how do I know the babe won\'t scream her head off when she sees me?"
MOE to SHEMP: (With a mad look on his face says to Shemp in a mad tone of voice): "I wouldn\'t blame her!"
LARRY to SHEMP and MOE: (In a total state of mischief says): "We\'ll write her a note!"
Larry is now taking out a pad and a pen and is getting ready to pen Elaine a note as he is being watched by Moe, Shemp, and Cedric in dismay.
MOE to LARRY: (As he is looking at Larry in agreement says as Moe is snapping his fingers): "Good idea!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is giving Shemp a look of wonderment says): "Throw some gravel up to wake her!"
All the while that Larry is penning the note and Shemp is throwing gravel at Elaine\'s window, Cedric is standing there watching what is Larry is penning. With Cedric watching in dismay, Moe and Larry are now tying the note to a rock and are getting ready to send it up to whom they think is Elaine.
Shemp has now tossed up some gravel but it comes falling back down and hits him in the face.
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is getting hit with the falling gravel says to Moe): "Ooh, ooh, ooh, somebody threw some back at me, what I\'ll do?"
MOE to SHEMP: (With his back to Shemp and has a mad look on his face shouts to Shemp): "Get up there go on!"
We are now inside Elaine\'s bedroom quarters where we are seeing the King finishing getting ready to retire for the night.
Shemp is now tossing up some gravel to get Elaine\'s attention. The King now hears the racket at the window and has now gone over to the window to see what it is.
We are now back on Moe, Larry, Shemp, and Cedric. Moe is tossing the note up to Elaine while Shemp, Cedric and Larry are standing by Moe\'s side and are watching in wonder.
The King is now at the window trying to see what is going on and without Moe knowing about it he has now tossed the rock with the note on it threw Elaine\'s window. He has now hit the King right in the head causing him to fall down in pain.
The King has now sat up and is rubbing his sore head and has shaken it a bit in pain. He now sees the rock with the note tied to it and realizes that Shemp, Moe, Larry, and Cedric are back. The King is now in a state of maddness as he has gone to the dressing table and has gotten his chisel stick.
We are now back in the courtyard where we see Larry, Moe, and Cedric helping Shemp up the trellis to enter into Elaine\'s bedroom quarters.
MOE to SHEMP: (In a mad voice and madness in his voice says): "Go on now, get up there, do as you\'re told!"
LARRY to SHEMP: (As they are smiling happily says): "Go ahead!"
Shemp is now climbing up the trellis being helped by Larry, Moe, and Cedric. Shemp is now climbing up the trellis to Elaine\'s bedroom quarters and has now stepped on Moe and Larry\'s faces, while Cedric is watching for guards.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Shemp is now crushing Moe\'s face with his foot in pain): "Hey, hey, now why don\'t you watch where you are...."
LARRY to SHEMP: (As Shemp has now crushed Larry with his foot as Larry shouts in pain): "Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is still in pain says): "Raise your foot up to the next......(Shemp has now stepped on Moe\'s face once again): "Ooh, I\'ll murder you!"
MOE to LARRY: (As he is looking at Larry in madness): "Hey, hey, give him a shove why are you lettin\' him......"
We are now in Elaine\'s bedroom quarters where we see the King now going to bed. The King is now in bed fully covered up with his chisel stick by his side.
Shemp is now entering Elaine\'s window. The King is now hiding under the covers in fear.
Shemp is now sneaking in quietly to whom he thinks is Elaine, but is really the King.
SHEMP to "ELAINE", (Oops the KING): (As he is whispering): "Psst, hey kiddo, are you awake? Good listen babe, me and my pals are on your side, so don\'t you worry your pretty little head about Cedric. The King ain\'t gonna push us around, no sir. Say how come a nice kid like you has such an old sour puss for a pappy? He sure is a mean old galute. \'Ha, ha\'. He\'s got a puss like a snappin\' turtle," (Shemp is now laughing hysterically as he is hitting whom he thinks is Elaine but is really the King). " Yea, like a snapping\' turtle with a belly ache" (Shemp is now once again laughing super hysterically and dancing around as he is gently hitting whom he still thinks is Elaine).
All the while that Shemp thought he was talking to Elaine, we now see the King getting madder and madder by the moment.
We know hear a knock on Elaine\'s door and Shemp says as he is taking cover under Elaine\'s bed, (\'Oh, oh)!
GUARD to the KING: (Through Elaine\'s door): "Came right away at your order Sire!"
The King is now sitting up in the bed in a mad state.
KING to the GUARD: (Shouting at them through the door): "Good, send them in!"
We are now under the bed where we see Shemp with a look of panic on his face when he has found out it was the King, not Elaine he was talking to. Shemp is now jumping up in a full panic as he knocks the bed over and is sending the King to the floor, with the bed on top of him.
Shemp is now frantically running over to the window and is exiting through it for cover. Shemp has now successfully made it down the trellis as he is now standing by Larry, Moe, and Cedric.
We now see the gargantuan sized King coming down the trellis in a state of maddness as he is chasing after Shemp.
Larry, Moe, Shemp, and Cedric are standing there with looks of worry and panic on their faces as they are watching the King climb down the trellis.
We now see the gargantuan King climbing down the trellis and he is loosing his balance and is swinging to and from on the trellis. He is now screaming out in panic, "Ya, ah, ah, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ah, help, ah, ooh, ooh, ah, ah, ah, ah, help."
All the while that the King was swinging to and fro on the trellis Larry, Shemp, Moe, and Cedric were looking at him with looks of panic on their faces not being able to do anything to help him.
The gargantuan sized King has now fallen to the ground after the trellis has now broken, on his back with the trellis on top of him.
SHEMP, LARRY, MOE, and CEDRIC: (Have now hurridly ran over to the King and are taking the trellis off of him).
MOE to SHEMP, LARRY, and CEDRIC: (As Moe has now removed the trellis from the King): "Get him up!"
We now see Cedric bending over and helping the King up. Larry, Moe, Shemp, and Cedric have now noticed that the man they have helped up was the King.
MOE and LARRY: (As they are taking off their hats and bowing at the King say in unison): "Your Majesty!"
Cedric and Shemp have now taken off their hats and are bowing down to the King in respect.
The King is now sitting on the ground in a state of total maddness while Cedric, Larry, Moe, and Shemp are trying to escape for their lives.
THE KING: (Shouting loudly in a total state of furry and maddness and panic): "Guard, guards, cease them!"
We now see guards coming from every direction as they now have caught the very terrified foursome.
LARRY, SHEMP, CEDRIC, and MOE: (In a total state of panic as the guards are now approaching the terrified Cedric, Larry, Moe, and Shemp as they are shouting in a panicked unison): "Whoa, whoa, now wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute now!"
KING to the GUARDS: (In a horribly mad mood as he is shouting to the guards in a state of panic): "To the dungeon with them, to the big dungeon with them, go on, get them out of here, I\'ll have your heads for this!"
We now see one of the guards sharpening an axe blade, as Cedric, Moe, Larry, and Shemp are watching him through their prison cell bars with horrified looks on their faces.
SHEMP to MOE, and LARRY: (As they are in their prison cell in states of panic): "It\'s sharp medicine, but it is a sure cure for all diseases!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As he is shaking with fear and has a panicked look on his face says): "Maybe so, but I\'ll take penicillian!"
The guard has now happily finished sharpening his axe blade. The guard is now leaving and is looking at the very terrified Shemp, Larry, Moe, and Cedric.
GUARD to CEDRIC, LARRY, MOE, and SHEMP: (As he is waving his hand at them and says to them in a mischievous voice): "See ya tomorrow, bright and early!"
The guard has now "LEFT THE BUILDING!"
We are now on Larry, Moe, Shemp, and Cedric. Where we see Cedric with his head lowered in hurt and pain as Shemp, Larry, and Moe are now looking at Cedric with looks of care and pain.
LARRY to CEDRIC: (As he is saying to Cedric in a low, carrying tone of voice): "Cedric, old boy, don\'t let it get you down!"
SHEMP to CEDRIC: (In a state of mischief says): "No, just one flt, and it\'s all over!"
CEDRIC to SHEMP, LARRY, and MOE: (As he is looking at them with a sad and hurtful look on his face and has carringness in his voice says): Thanks, you\'re brave men, it will be an honour to go the block with you!"
LARRY, SHEMP, and MOE to CEDRIC: (As Cedric was thanking Larry, Shemp, and Moe, they were giving him looks of happiness and mischief and were saying): "Oh, tut, tut, oh!"
We now see Shemp, Larry, and Moe with horrified looks on their faces as they are now jumping back in panic to what Cedic has stated to them.
MOE to CEDRIC: (In a horrified panicked voice as he is pointing to Larry and Shemp says): "What, you mean, they\'re gonna give us the works too!"
CEDRIC to LARRY, MOE, and SHEMP: (As Cedric is looking at them with a look of bewilderment on his face and in a questionable tone of voice says): "Didn\'t you know?"
LARRY, MOE, and SHEMP, to CEDRIC: (In unison states of panic): "NO!"
CEDRIC to LARRY, MOE, and SHEMP: (As Cedric is using a low and hurtful tone of voice says to them in pain): "We all die together!"
Moe, Larry, and Shemp are now in horrified states of panic as they also have looks of panic on their faces.
MOE: (In a panic state says): "Oh no, I\'ve got to get myself a cheap lawyer!"
SHEMP: (As he is running around in a furious state of panic says): "And I just bought two new hats!"
LARRY: (As he is also running around the prison cell with a look of panic on his face and panic in his voice says): "I can\'t die, I haven\'t seen the \'Joslson Story\'!"
Cedric is now watching Moe, Larry, and Shemp from his prison cell bars into their prison cell as we see Larry climbing up the prison door, Moe is trying to climb up the wall, while Shemp is looking under a box for the basement. Larry, Shemp, and Moe are now trying to leave in a state of panic as they state:
LARRY: "I\'ll get out of here, I\'ll climb these poles like a monkey!"
Larry has now fallen off of the prison door bars as Moe found out he couldn\'t be able to climb the wall either.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe has noticed that Shemp is looking underneath a box for the basement): "Hey, what are you doing?"
SHEMP to MOE: (As he is looking at Shemp with a mischievous look on his face states to Moe): "I\'m thinkin,\' maybe there\'s a cellar down there!"
We now see Cedric, Larry, and Moe looking at Shemp with looks of bewilderment on their faces.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe has now slapped Shemp across his face and shouts at him in maddness): "We\'re in the cellar!"
LARRY to MOE: (In reference to what Shemp said): "Don\'t hit him, he is just being desperate!"
We now see a guard walking in to Cedric, Larry, Moe, and Shemp carrying a basket with a bread loaf in it.
GUARD to SHEMP, CEDRIC, LARRY, and MOE: (As he is now handing them the basket with the bread loaf in it): "You\'re dinner, eat hardy, it\'s your last chance! The Princess herself ordered it sent to you!"
The guard has now shut the prison door on Moe, Shemp, and Larry\'s prison cell.
MOE to CEDRIC: (As Moe is holding the bread loaf in his hand says): "Hey, look what Elaine sent us!"
CEDRIC to MOE, SHEMP, and LARRY: (As he has a look of adornment on his face and happiness in his voice says): "Ah, she thinks of me, now I can face the hedgeman\'s axe with a smile!"
SHEMP to CEDRIC: (As Shemp is pointing a finger at himself and says in reference to Cedric\'s statement): "Not me!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is giving Shemp a look of maddness says to Shemp in a mad voice): "Where\'s your shivelry?"
SHEMP to MOE: (Giving Moe a very mad look and says to Moe in maddness): "Well, I traded it in and forgot that......"
Moe has now hit Shemp in the head with the \'HEAVY\' bread loaf. Shemp in now yelling out in pain as he is falling to the floor in pain from the impact of being hit by the bread loaf says, \'Ah, ah, ah, ooh, ooh, ooh, ow, ow, ow!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is now rubbing his head in pain says): "The Princess should of used more yeast in that thing!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is shouting at Shemp in a low tone of voice and is shaking the bread loaf): "Shut up!"
MOE to SHEMP: (With a happy look on his face says): "Do you hear that?"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp has a look of mischief on his face): "Do I hear that? it\'s loaded!"
Cedric is watching from his prison cell with a look of what is going on as Larry, Moe, and Shemp are now running over to the box as Moe is setting down the bread loaf and has pulled a plug out of it and has tossed it on the floor has now found a wide array of shop tools baked into the bread loaf. We now see Moe removing a chisel from the bread loaf.
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is is looking at the chisel says): "Some recipe!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe hits Shemp in the face with the chisle): "Quiet!"
We now see Shemp rubbing his face in pain as Larry is looking at Shemp with a painful look on his face.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe has now handed Shemp the chisel): "Get to work!"
Moe has now removed from the bread loaf a claw hammer and a hack saw.
LARRY to MOE: (With a look of mischief on his face and in a mischievous tone of voice says): "That babe, sure can cook!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe has now taken the hack saw and has "SAWED" Larry\'s neck with it says): "Shut up!"
Larry is now shouting loudly in pain, \'En, yenh\'!
MOE to LARRY: (With a mad look on his face and maddness in his voice says as he has now shoved Larry): "You get busy too, go on!"
We now see Cedric looking at Moe with dazement on his face as Moe has now removed a sledge hammer and a hatchet from the bread loaf.
Shemp and Larry are now hard at work trying to break open the prison cell door. Shemp is holding the chisel while Lary is frantically pounding on the chisel with his claw hammer.
Moe is now approaching Shemp and Larry with the sledge hammer.
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As Larry has now hit Moe in the face with the claw hammer, Moe says): "Hey fellas!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe has a look of maddness on his face): "I\'ll murder you!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry has a look of panic on his face and is saying in a low apologetic tone of voice): "I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry Moe!"
MOE to LARRY: (In a thorough state of maddness yells to Larry): "Hold that chisel!"
Larry has now gotten the chisel from Shemp and is holding it while Moe is pounding on it with the sledge hammer. Shemp is now standing closely behind Moe as Moe is now swinging the sledge hammer.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Shemp is now in a total state of panic after being hit with the sledge hammer while Moe says): "What\'s the matter with you?"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is now in a total state of pain): "I think you loosened my teeth!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is now placing the chisel on Shemp\'s teeth and is hitting the chisel with the claw hammer): "Hold still!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is now spitting out one of his teeth says): "Thanks, you did it!"
MOE to SHEMP: (In a quick respones says): "Okay, here!"
MOE to LARRY: (As he is now handing Larry the chisel and has maddness in his voice says): "Here, take this!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is taking Shemp up to the chisel says): "Here, come on, put your head right here!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is placing his head on the chisel says): "Okay!"
Moe has now taken the sledge hammer and has given Shemp a good, hard whack on his coconut with it.
LARRY to MOE: (In a total state of pain and panic as Moe has now hit Shemp in the head with the sledge hammer causing the impact to hit Larry hard): "Owh, owh, owh, ooh, ooh, ooh, you hurt my hand!"
SHEMP to LARRY: (Not recalling a moment of being hit in the coconut with the sledge hammer says): "What are you squawking about, look what he did to my feather!"
We are now on Cedric who has been watching Moe, Larry, and Shemp with a look of dismay on his face while Larry, Moe, and Shemp were going through their shenanigans.
SHEMP to MOE: (In a total state of mischief says to Moe): "Wait, I got a nail here, you won\'t loose that hat. Shemp is now "NAILING" Moe\'s hat to his coconut.
MOE to SHEMP: (In a total state of maddness as he is turning around and hitting Shemp in the head with the chisel): "Wait a minute, wait a minute, will ya!"
LARRY to MOE and SHEMP: (As Larry is keeping Moe and Shemp from fighting): "Wait a minute, will you guys, cut it out!"
We are now on Elaine where she is in her bedroom quarters and laying on her bed and is crying about loosing Cedric. We now hear a knock on Elaine\'s door. Elaine is sitting up on her bed in a state of hurt and maddness as the Black Prince is entering into her bedroom quarters.
BLACK PRINCE to ELAINE: (In a state of meaness as he is giving Elaine a look of maddness says): "My dear, still crying over that, that horse shoer?"
ELAINE to the BLACK PRINCE: (As she is looking away from him and still is sitting on her bed crying hurtfully): "I love him even if he is a smith!"
BLACK PRINCE to ELAINE: (As he is removing his hat in a sign of respect to her says to her in a nasty and hurtful tone of voice): "You\'ll forget all about love when I marry you!"
ELAINE to the BLACK PRINCE: (As she is still crying and is shouting at him in hurtful tone of voice): "Never!"
BLACK PRINCE to ELAINE: (In a low tone of voice that is supporting a tad of carryingness): "If you become my bride, I will pursuade the King to spare your blacksmiths life!"
Elaine is now looking up with a look of hopefulness on her face about the Black Prince\'s offer.
BLACK PRINCE to ELAINE: (As he is using hand gestures to support his statement while he has a look of devilment on his face and a carrying tone of voice says): "Think well your answer, I\'ll be waiting!"
Elaine is now sitting on her bed side with a look of quesion on her face as she is contemplating the Black Prince\'s offer. The Black Prince is now bowing at her as he is getting ready to exit from her bedroom quarters. He has now put on his hat and has exited.
We are now back on Cedric, Larry, Moe, and Shemp. Cedric is watching them in a state of mischief while they are busy at work trying to break free from their prison cell. They have now taken several more good whacks at the cell door and are getting now place fast!
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As Moe is now lowering his sledge hammer in a state of I have been beaten says): "Boys, it\'s no use, we\'ve been at this thing an hour and have accomplished nothing!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp has a tired sounding voice as he is sitting down to rest says): "Oh, yeah!"
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As he is standing there looking at them with a carrying look on his face): "Let\'s take a breather, and start again maybe!"
LARRY and SHEMP to MOE: (In a really tired voice says in unison): "Oh, yeah!"
We now see Shemp, Moe, and Larry sitting down on a box to take a breather while the prison cell door has now popped open.
LARRY to SHEMP and MOE: (As he has a look of coldness on his face as he is pulling his jacket over himself thighter says): "Ah, hey, there\'s a draft in here!"
SHEMP to LARRY: (As he is pointing a finger at the opened cell door and says to him mischievously): "No wonder, the door is open!"
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (In general discussion and a look of bewilderment on his face says): "Sure!"
We now see Cedric standing there looking at Shemp, Larry, and Moe with a look of awe on his face as Larry, Moe, and Shemp are sitting there flinching at the realization that their cell door is now open.
Larry, Shemp, and Moe are now jumping up quickly and are running out of their cell in a state of hurry holding onto their tools as Cedric is standing there laughing at them.
Larry, Shemp, and Moe are now frantically at work trying to break open Cedric\'s cell door.
As Larry, Shemp and Moe are still working on Cedric\'s door we now see a few guards entering in to see what all of the racket is about.
GUARD to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (As he is entering in and is shouting at them loudly): "What is going on!"
Moe is now picking up a stool and is breaking it over the guards head as the guard is trying to strangle Larry.
LARRY to the GUARD: (In a hurtful tone of voice says): "Listen!"
As the guard is holding his head in pain, Larry, Shemp, and Moe are now dragging the guard to their cell and are locking him in.
SHEMP to MOE: (In a state of panic as he is grabbing the guard): "Where\'s the key?"
MOE to SHEMP: (Also in a state of panic says): "I got it!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is frantically helping Shemp stick the guard in their cell says): "Go ahead, get going, hurry up!"
LARRY to SHEMP and MOE: (As he is pushing the guard on his back says): "I\'ll get him in there!"
Moe is now locking the guard in their cell as Larry is frantically pounding on Cedric\'s cell door with the sledge hammer. Shemp is now picking up the chisel to help Larry with the cell door.
The locked up guard is now standing up and is shouting in a loud and frantic voice tone): "Help, help, call out the guards!"
LARRY to the LOCKED GUARD: (As Larry is taking the sledge hammer and is hitting the guard in the head with it yells to him): "Shut up!"
Moe, Larry, and Shemp are now once again frantically trying to set Cedric free.
CEDRIC to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (As he is shouting at them in a state of care says): "Save yourself men, the guards are coming!"
We now see Larry, Moe, and Shemp throwing down their tools and are running for safety in a frantic state. As Larry, Moe, and Shemp were trying to run for safety, they are now being approached by the guards who have their chisel sticks extended getting ready to stab them.
MOE to a GUARD: (As Moe, Larry, and Shemp are now running for safety says as he is pointing a finger at the guy in the cell): "See what that guy wants!"
The guards are going to the man in the cell to help him. Moe, Larry, and Shemp are now making a break for it. All the while that the guards are fighting with Larry, Shemp, and Moe, Cedric is standing in his cell watching with a hurtful look on his face.
The guards have now realized that they have been slickered by Larry, Shemp, and Moe as they are now turning around and are frantically chasing after them.
Larry, Shemp, and Moe are now in the upper chambres of the castle and are running around in total states of panic as they are trying to flee from the guards.
They are now being approached by one of the guards and are running frantically into different rooms to escape from the guards and they are yelling, \'yaa, yaa, yaa,\' at the top of their lungs in total panic.
The guards have now entered into Larry\'s hiding place as Larry is running from them in total fear, as Moe is now running into another room for safety.
One of the guards has now chased Moe from his first hiding place and as Moe is running from this guard he is being approached by two more guards and shouts in a total state of fear and panic as he is entering into his second hiding place, \'Bye all!\'
Shemp has now ran for cover as he was being chased by the guards.
We now see Shemp, Larry, and Moe running frantically in all directions like chickens with their heads cut off trying to flee from the guards who are chasing them madly with their chisel sticks swinging at them in maddness.
Just as Larry, Shemp, and Moe think they are safe from the guards running down a corridour in panic. Feeling a tad relaxed they are now once again turning around and running and yelling in panic as they are being chased by the demented chisel stick swinging guards.
Moe, Larry, and Shemp are now being chased by the guards who have now gone in separate directions chasing after them. Moe, Larry, and Shemp in a state of panic are screaming, \'ya, ya, ya, yunk, yunk, yunk, eee, eee, eee!\'
Moe, Larry, and Shemp have now ducked into a room through the back door to escape the guards. We now see Larry, Shemp, and Moe peaking out the door of one of the rooms checking to see if the guards are now gone so they can leave for safety.
Thinking that the coast is clear we now see Larry, Shemp, and Moe tip toeing down a corridour to be greeted once again by the demented chisel stick swinging guards.
Once again Moe, Larry, and Shemp are running frantically in all directions down the corridours, in and out of different rooms, in a state of panic as they are yelling in panic, \'eek, eek, eek, yunk, yunk, yunk\'! as the guards are still chasing after them.
Larry, Moe, and Shemp are now huddled together in the middle of one of the corridours making a plan on how to out fox the guards.
MOE to LARRY and SHEMP: (Whispering): "When they approach us we\'ll duck and make a break for it!"
As Moe, Larry, and Shemp are in their huddle making their escape plans the guards are now upon them and are getting ready to hit Larry, Moe, and Shemp on their coconuts with their chisel sticks. But they have now made their break and the guards are now hitting each other over their coconuts with the chisel sticks. The guards are now standing up staggering a bit and are regaining their balance.
We now see Moe running into one of the rooms and was going for the back door to escape, but the Black Prince and his guard have now entered in. Moe is now standing in a corner with his hands over his eyes as not be seen by the Black Prince and his Guard as Moe over hears the Black Prince.
BLACK PRINCE to his GUARD: (Whispering and in a total demented state says): "You understand, Sir Satchel, once Elaine and I are wed, the King must die!"
We now see Moe peeking through his fingers looking at the Black Prince and Sir Satchel in a horrified state.
SIR SATCHEL to the BLACK PRINCE: (Whispering back in a demented manner says): "Yes, your hiness!"
BLACK PRINCE to SIR SATCHEL: (Whispering back also in a demented state): "You have instructed your assines?"
SIR SATCHEL to the BLACK PRINCE: (In a totally demented manner says): "I have!"
BLACK PRINCE to SIR SATCHEL: (As the Black Prince is now tacking out a pouch of bounty money and is giving it to Sir Satchel): "Good, pay them handsomely, in a few hours if they strike well, I will be King, and you will be the richest man in all England!"
All the while that the Black Prince and Sir Satchel were planning the assination of the King, Moe was standing in his corner peeking out through his fingers as he was listening to them.
We now see the Black Prince and Sir Satchel leaving the room not even suspecting Moe being in same room with them. Moe is starting to leave the room where he heard the Black Prince and Sir Satchel planning the Kings assination.
We are now out in the same corridour where poor Larry and Shemp are still trying to flee for their lives from the chisel stick swinging guards.
We now see Larry where he has taken cover in a room that has two iron steppons in it.
The guards have now entered in the room that Larry is in looking for him. Larry is now hiding behind one of the steppons. Larry has now hit the guards on their heads with a spiked mallet.
GUARD ONE to GUARD TWO: (Guard one has now approached the other guard and is strangling him by the neck thinking it was him who hit him says): "Why you, you started it!"
The two guards are now having a knock out brawl with each other. We now see Larry coming out from behind his steppon and is refereeing the fight.
LARRY: (As he is making boxing punches with his hands and is swinging to and fro and is getting really excited and happy about the two guards fighting one another that he is now jumping up and down, swinging from side to side and is saying to the guards): "That a boy, hit him with the left, hit him with the right, woo, woo, woo, what a double punch, oh boy, let him have another left, let him have another right, yeah!"
We now see the two guards totally knocked out and Larry is clapping his hands in happiness and success.
MOE to SHEMP: (Whispering says as they are entering the same room where Larry and the guards now had their fight): "Come on in here!"
Larry is now taking cover once again behind his steppon as he hears someone coming in thinking that it is more guards, not Shemp and Moe.
SHEMP to MOE: (As he jumps back in fear and says in a voice of fear): "Looks like dirty work!"
MOE to SHEMP: (In a really low and hurtful and painful tone of voice says): "Poor Larry, he got two of them before they got him.
SHEMP to MOE: (With a look of fear and panic on his face and hurt in his voice says): "Maybe they gave him the big haircut all ready, you know, flt, flt, (Shemp is now making hand gestures at his neck representing an axe blade).
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe has a really hurt look on his face and pain in his voice says): "If we could only bring him back, I\'d never hit him again!"
We now see Larry coming out from behind the steppon and is standing behind Moe and Shemp with a huge smile on his face.
LARRY to MOE: (Happily in reference to Moe\'s statement): "No kiddin\'?"
As Larry is shouting at Moe in happiness, we see Shemp and Moe jumping back in a startled state.
MOE to LARRY: (In a mad state as he has now broken his promise and is hitting Larry on his face says): "Get outta here!"
LARRY to MOE: (Shouting loudly at him in maddness): "Hey, I thought you were......"
Larry is now being grabbed by the mouth by Moe and Shemp to shut him up so the guards won\'t here them.
MOE to LARRY and SHEMP: (In a mad state, as he has now muffled Larry): "Shut up and listen, you know that Black Prince character, that tried to kill our pal Cedric?"
LARRY and SHEMP to MOE: (In respones to Moe\'s question and in a state of panic states): "Yeah!"
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (Whispering in a hurtful voice): "Well he\'s going to kill the King!"
LARRY and SHEMP to MOE: (In a total state of panic): "NO!"
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (With a look of maddness on his face and a mad voice says): "Yeah, but we\'ll spoil his little racket!"
SHEMP and LARRY to MOE: (In a state of delight says): "How?"
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (With a look of dismay on his face and worry in his voice): "I don\'t know!"
Moe has now backed into one of the steppons.
MOE to LARRY and SHEMP: (With a happy look on his face as he snaps his fingers): "I got a plan, quick get into these steel steppons, we\'re gonna make that Black Price feel mighty blue!"
We now see Shemp, Moe, and Larry doing a triple hand shake in agreement saying, \'Yeah, yeah, yeah!"
As they are going to get into the steppons we now see them colliding into one another.
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As he has a mad look on his face shouts as he is pushing them): "Go the other way!"
Larry, Shemp, and Moe are now happily and excitedly getting into their steppons.
SHEMP to MOE: (As he is running over to Moe in a happy state says): "I found some shintogs!"
LARRY to SHEMP and MOE: (Larry says in happiness): "Look at the head gog I got!"
We are now in the main chambre area where we see the very happy King, the happy Black Prince, and the very sad and hurt Elaine getting ready for the marriage betwixt Elaine and the Black Prince.
We now see Moe, Larry, and Shemp entering in, in their steppons, making alot of racket as they are raising the face plates on their helmets looking for the rotten, good for nothing, scroundle named the Black Prince. They have now located him and are putting back down their face plates. Sir Satchel has now entered in as he is being greeted by the rotten Black Prince.
SIR SATCHEL to the BLACK PRINCE: (With an ugly and demented look on his face says): "I have done as you ordered your hiness, when the guards hear the fan fare of the trumpets, Cedric\'s head will fall!"
BLACK PRINCE to SIR SATCHEL: (In a state of \'delight\' and agreement to what Sir Satchel had said): "Good!"
Sir Satchel and the Black Prince have now entered in the wedding area of the chambres, as we now see Larry, Moe, and Shemp entering in following behind them.
LARRY to MOE: (With a hurtful look on his face and hurtful sounding voice): "How do you like that?"
MOE to LARRY: (In a worried state): "I don\'t!"
SHEMP to MOE: (Also in a hurtful manner): "Cedric won\'t either!"
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (In a quiet voice as they are lowering their face plates again): "Ssh, Jiggers!"
GUARD to the THREE STEPPONS: (In a serious tone of voice): "The King commands your presence!"
SHEMP to the GUARD: (In a state of mischief): "We ain\'t got no \'PRESENTS\' the stores were all closed!"
Moe has now reached over and hit Shemp in the stomach of his steppon.
SHEMP to MOE: (In a hurtful tone of voice): "Ooh, ooh, ooh!"
The "Three Steppons" are now approaching the happy King and the very sad and deeply hurt Elaine.
Larry, Shemp, and Moe are now bowing down to the King while Elaine is looking at them like she knows who they are.
MOE to the KING: (As he is bowing down in respect says): "You Majesty!"
KING to the THREE STEPPONS: (In a serious voice): "Your name\'s sir\'s!"
MOE to the KING: (In a very serious tone of voice): "The Three Restless Knights!"
SHEMP to the KING: (In a total state of mischief): "Our days ain\'t too hot either!"
Moe has now reached over and stomped Shemp hard on his foot.
KING to the THREE RESTLESS KNIGHTS: (The King says in a polite manner): "This is my daughter the fair Elaine!"
LARRY: "Charmed!"
MOE: "Indeed!"
SHEMP: "Pleasure!"
LARRY to the KING: (As he has a happy look on his face and happiness in his voice says): "Say, she\'s a good looking kid!"
SHEMP to the KING: (In a state of kindness): "Must take after her mother!"
MOE to the KING: (In a state of kindness also): "On her father\'s side!"
KING to the THREE RESTLESS KNIGHTS: (In a state of politeness): "Thank-you, excuse me!"
All the while that Shemp, Moe, and Larry were talking to the King we could see Elaine with a look on her face that she knew those voices from somewhere before.
LARRY, SHEMP, and MOE to the KING: (In a state of politeness as the King is leaving and they are bowing down at him): "Your Majesty!"
Larry is now taking Elaine by the arm and is pulling her to the side as she has a look of hurt on her face. Shemp, Larry, and Moe have now raised their face plates.
LARRY, SHEMP, and MOE to ELAINE: (In a happy state): "It\'s us!"
Elaine has now sighed a happy sigh and is smiling sweetly.
MOE to ELAINE: (In a state of politeness and worry in his voice): "Listen your hiness, that Black Prince character, is fixing to kill your father and make himself King!"
LARRY to ELAINE: (In a worried state says): "Yeah, I heard him plot that Cedric gets it when the trumpets blow!"
Elaine now screams in hurt and pain to Shemp, Larry, and Moe.
SHEMP to ELAINE: (As he is putting a hand on her shoulder and says in a carrying tone of voice): "What\'s the matter?"
ELAINE to SHEMP, LARRY, and MOE: (As she has a horrified look on her face says): "The trumpets will blow when the King announces the wedding!"
LARRY to SHEMP and MOE: (In a state of maddness): "The Black Prince pulled a fast one that rat!"
MOE to ELAINE, SHEMP, and LARRY: (With a look of care on his face and support in his voice): "There\'s only one thing to do, see that those trumpets don\'t blow!"
Shemp, Moe, and Larry are now doing their triple hand shake in agreement. Elaine has now joined in on the hand shake and she is now crushing their hands in total pain. Larry, Shemp, and Moe now have very painful looks on their faces, as Elaine is smiling gleefully. Larry, Shemp, and Moe are now looking at their crippled hands.
We now hear the King making an announcement while Elaine is looking up in a horrified and sad mood.
KING: (In a very happy voice): "Knights and Ladies, I have good news for you, Elaine is to be wed!"
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (In a state of panic): "Quick!"
KING: (In a total state of happiness says): "Let the trumpets sound!"
We now see the trumpet boys getting ready to blow their trumpets as Larry, Moe, and Shemp are putting an end to it by tossing fruit into them.
KING: (In a thorough state of maddness is shouting at the Trumpet Boys): "Play, play!"
We are now on the Trumpet Boys who are frantically trying to blow their trumpets but can\'t because they are filled with fruit.
BLACK PRINCE to the TRUMPET BOYS: (Shouting in a hysterical state of maddness): "Blow those trumpets, blow!"
The Trumpet Boys have now been able to blow their trumpets a bit, sending the fruit that\'s lodged in them hitting the Black Prince and Sir Satchel square in their kissers.
We now see Sir Satchel and the Black Prince wiping crushed fruit off their faces.
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As he has a happy look on his face and he is patting Shemp on his shoulder says with a look of mischief on his face): "Nice work!"
MOE to LARRY: (Looking at Larry in a state of true happiness): "Now, all we have to do is get Cedrice out!"
ELAINE to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (In a state of happiness says): "Can you keep them occupied while I slip away?"
SHEMP to ELAINE: (In a carrying tone of voice says): "Why, sure, we\'re Troubadours, ain\'t we?"
ELAINE to SHEMP, LARRY, and MOE: (Smiling gleefully and has a look of joy on her face): "Make all the noise you can!"
MOE to ELAINE: (With a look of mischief on his face and care in his voice states): "It\'s a cinch!"
LARRY to MOE: (In a state of question): "What\'ll we do?"
MOE to LARRY: (In a state of maddness shouts to him): "Dance, you dunce!"
SHEMP to MOE: (With a look of dismay on his face says): "What\'ll we use for music!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As he is looking at Shemp with a dumbfounded look on his face says): "Turn on the radio!"
LARRY to MOE: (With a perplexed look on his face says): "Are you kiddin\', this is ancient times."
MOE to LARRY: (In a total state of mischief says): "This is an acient radio!"
We now see Larry, Moe, and Shemp walking over to the radio and turning in on.
The first thing we hear on the radio as they turn it on is a sales commercial.
"Are you short of money? Are you still wearing last year\'s rusty old armour? Then see the Scowling Scottsman today!"
We now see Moe changing the the station to find a song and the song he found was "Way Down By The Swanee River!"
Moe, Larry, and Shemp are now approaching the King incognito.
MOE to the KING: (As he is bowing down at his says): "Your Majesty, wouldst like to see a right smart dance?"
KING to SHEMP, LARRY, and MOE: (As he nods his head in agreement): "Wouldst!"
Larry, Shemp, and Moe are now on centre stage and are doing a soft shoe, choruse line style of a dance stomping their feet loudly and pounding very loudly on the steppons and are kicking each other in their bumms as a diversion tatic.
We had a quick blip on the King, Sir Satchel, the Black Prince and a few of his hands who all are looking at the Dancers in a state of agreement about their dance.
Larry, Moe, and Shemp are still stomping around loudly as Moe and Larry have now kicked Shemp four times in his bumm.
SHEMP to LARRY and MOE: (In a state of pain): "Ow, oh!"
The dance has now ended with the three of them crashing hard into one another.
MOE to SHEMP: (In a total state of maddness as he is removing Shemp\'s helmet)"What\'s the matter with you, are you crazy, hold that!" (Moe has now administered a good, hard, slap to Shemp\'s face).
LARRY to MOE: (In Shemp\'s defense says): "Hey, wait a minute, you can\'t do that to him!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is now lifting up Larry\'s face plate and says in reference to Shemp as he is now honking Larry\'s bugle as Larry is shouting in pain): "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!"
KING: (As he is now running over to Larry, Shemp, and Moe shouting in a loud state of maddness as the Black Prince and Sir Satchel are frantically following the King): "Cease them!"
BLACK PRINCE to the KING: (As he is extending his chisel stick at Shemp, Larry, and Moe and is shouting madly): "We\'ll kill \'em on the count of three your Majesty!"
Just as the King, the Black Prince, Sir Satchel and a Guard are getting ready to cease Larry, Shemp, and Moe we now see Elaine and Cedric running in, in a state of panic.
ELAINE to the KING: (As she is shouting loudly in a state of panic): "Wait, father, stop, father, these men are your loyal subjects. There are your enemies, (Elaine is now pointing over to the Black Prince and Sir Satchel), I can prove it!"
KING to the GUARDS: (As the Guards are now ceasing Sir Satchel and the Black Prince he is shouting in maddness): "Take them to the dungeon!"
ELAINE to CEDRIC: (As we now see Elaine completely over joyed and is smiling from ear to ear says in a loving voice tone): "Cedric!"
CEDRIC to ELAINE: (As he is picking her up and giving her a giant hug says): "Oh, my darling!"
KING to CEDRIC: (In a state of dismay says): "My daughter marry a Smith?"
SHEMP to the KING: (Smiling joyfully and says to the King in a state of mischief): "Take it easy King, millions of women marry Smith\'s every year!"
KING: (As he is looking at Shemp, Larry, and Moe in a state of happiness says): "We\'ll have a wedding after all!"
We now see Larry, Moe, and Shemp smiling gleefully as Cedric is now picking up Elaine and is hugging and kissing her in a thorough state of love.
KING to the TRUMPET BOYS: (Shouting gleefully as he is pointing a finger at them): "Sound, those trumpets!"
The Trumpet Boys are now playing them as they are sending crushed fruit into Larry\'s and Moe\'s kissers. Shemp is now laughing hysterically as he thinks he is being missed by the flinging fruit, but he also get\'s hit square in the kisser with the fruit.
The short fads out on Shemp where he is wiping the crushed fruit off of his face and is smiling gleefully and says laughing hysterically: "Fruit salad, what do you know!"
A bite-sized little movie with a great mix of stooging & subplot--although for me the plot drags it down at times, but I could be a little biased since I prefer the Jules White/Del Lord "mayhem first, then tack on plot" style of directing. A very good short nonetheless.
8 pokes
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"See, there's somethin' fishy here." "Yeh, you two suckers!" [smack!] - Shemp & Moe (SPOOKS!, 1953)
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