StoogeMania (An Extravaganza of Stooge Photos, Puzzles, Trivia, Collectibles and More)
- MGM plans to release the long-delayed Three Stooges feature film project in Nov. 2009, to be written and directed by Bobby & Peter Farrelly
- The Stoogeum receives awards from The Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Magazine, and feature articles in Road King and Philadelphia Heritage magazines
"The Stooges leave studio offices after a script conference during the filming of HAVE ROCKET, WILL TRAVEL (1959)"
Itinerary for the 2009 Fan Club Meeting to be held April 24 - 26 in Ft. Washington PA. Tentative guests include Samson Burke of THE THREE STOOGES MEET HERCULES (1962), and family members Joan Howard Maurer, Paul Howard, Marilyn Howard Ellman, and her sons and granddaughter
Toluca Lake house and street locations seen in THE SITTER DOWNERS (1937) are identified, with photos then & now; plus, a recap of some prior street address locations
Discussion of Three Stooges books published from 1999 - 2008
Clara Kimball Young, Ernie Young, Evelyn Young, Joseph Young
Trade newspaper and magazine reviews of Ted Healy's solo feature films, 1936 - 1938
A sampling of unfilmed/edited scenes from Jules White's files, including bits from FRIGHT NIGHT (1947), THE HOT SCOTS (1948), LOCO BOY MAKES GOOD (1942) and THREE LITTLE PIRATES (1946)
"A previously unpublished photo of Curly Howard with his daughter Marilyn, 1946"
Fan classified advertisements
Trivia questions and answers
Columnist Marie Doty analyzes the theory that all men love the Stooges, and all women hate them
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