
General Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: metaldams on February 25, 2005, 06:29:54 PM

Title: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: metaldams on February 25, 2005, 06:29:54 PM
Do any of you long time and and semi-long time regulars get the feeling having a near average, average, or high IQ is not the norm for a Three Stooges fan?  I am amazed by the amount of morons with bad grammar that are posting on this board as of late. They ask the dumbest questions and then get snippy when somebody rightfully calls them on it.  I mean, some of the questions are alright (like the guy who wanted somebody to identify HIGHER THAN A KITE seemed cool), but for every person like that, there are about ten morons making me embarressed to even be here.  Jim, Pilsner, and especially Rob are doing a great job on this site, but unfortunately, there is only so much they can control.

Look, we all make spelling and grammar mistakes or say uninformed things at times, we're human after all, but the idiocy around here is unbelievable.  I remember back in the days when I walked ten miles to school in a snowstorm with nothing but my stocking feet, there used to be a diverse and fun group of SEVERAL posters, and most of them at least had a brain.  The ones that didn't were at least funny. 

Forgive me for my rant, but somebody had to say this.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: shemps#1 on February 25, 2005, 06:59:36 PM
Right on, Doug! The Stooges played idiots in their shorts, perhaps the idiots who make their way here feel a bond to them.

We've done all we can, with the Posting Guidelines in particular. Nothing we can do, however, retards will continue to come to this site. Retards will continue to shitty grammar in their posts which also contain spelling errors. Retards will continue to ask questions that are either so fucking idiotic they are downright laughable, or have been asked a million times. Retards will continue to start meaningless/repetitive threads when Cardinal Message Board Rule #1 states that is better to reply to an old thread than to start a new one.

So I make the call to you Doug, and the rest of you good posters out there. When you see a retarded post, flame the hell out of the person who posted it. Gang up and dogpile these fuckers: make it a genuine blitzkrieg. You yourself will not get in trouble for justifiably flaming a post that deserves it.

So in conclusion, if you see a stupid post before Pils, Rob, or myself do, flame to your hearts content. When we see the thread the offending poster will be dealt with.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Giff me dat fill-em! on February 25, 2005, 07:14:56 PM
If you can remember WAY-WAY back when there only existed 2400bps modems and chat rooms called BBS's (bulletin-board service), in those days the only people brave enough to post were folks who could spell and had decent grammer. (for the most part) Nowadays, the posters can type much faster than I can (I'm still a hunt-and-peck typist) but are careless in watching how their prose appears on screen.

Now I don't want to appear hedonistic, but a well defined sentence (hence, a thought) is much prefered by myself than the sycophantic, obsequious, ingratiating prattlings I observe on this and other sites.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Dunrobin on February 25, 2005, 07:35:13 PM
Unfortunately, Doug, I don't think the problem is limited to Three Stooges fans; it's become endemic throughout the country.  The government schools stopped educating decades ago, and we're seeing the result (while the Orwellian police state materializes right before our eyes.)

About 15 years ago, when I was the Purchasing Agent for a manufacturing company in the metro Detroit area, I was shanghaied into interviewing job applicants for work in the plant.  I was shocked at the amount of ignorance displayed; not stupidity, mind you, but rather an appalling lack of knowledge from high school graduates.

The company manufacturws custom-made industrial rolling steel doors, like the ones you see at loading docks, etc.  Needless to say, it was vital that everyone working in the plant understood how to measure things correctly, so of course we tested applicants' ability to read a tape measure.  Many were incapable of finding the correct measurements, but one applicant has always stuck in my mind.  When asked to locate six and seven-eighths inches on the tape measure, he quickly pointed to the 6, 7 and 8" marks and proudly said, "six and seven eights."  (He didn't get the job.)   ::)

My sister-in-law's nephew is a natural-born mechanic, and I have a lot of respect for his talents, but he is an unfortunately typical example of the modern school system.  About 10 or 12 years ago, he decided to apply for a position as a draftsman.  He brought the application home so he could get help filling it out (something a lot of companies have stopped doing; they prefer to see you fill it out in person to know if you can write.)  The problem was that he didn't even know how to spell "draftsman."  It's going to be hard to get a job if you can't even spell the job title.   :-\

We all see it everywhere, these days.  The store clerks who can't made change, fast food restaurants that use picture menu cash registers, since their employees can't read;  the uneducated are rapidly becoming the norm.

However, I can take some steps to help rein in the problem here on  For instance, I just changed the permissions for new members (Porcupines.)  They can no longer start new topics - they can only reply to topics.  They will have to advance to Grapehead, after 25* replies, before they can start creating new topics.

And, as Jim suggested, feel free to flame those who deserve it.  You can also click on the "Report to Moderator" link to bring a post to our attention.

If you, or any of the veteran board members, are interested in helping out as Moderators, let me know.

*  The requiremet was changed to 10 posts in order to advance to Grapehead.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on February 25, 2005, 07:46:57 PM
Oh, there's an endless supply of half-bright stewballs out there, I think that's pretty obvious by now. Rob, Jim and I do our best to keep the quality of the posts up, but these people are never going to stop coming out of the woodwork, I'm convinced of that.

I didn't even set out to be a moderator when I first joined this board; I just sort of fell into it because there was a need there, and my journalistic background does happen to qualify me to legitimately critique people's writing.

The three of us have never worked out any formal guidelines, but the way the moderating process has evolved, when I spot an offender I start by giving them some helpful hints or gentle correction. Then, if they don't shape up, Jim or (sometimes) Rob comes down on them harder.

My theory on what causes all this illiteracy we've been seeing lately is the horrible state of the American public school system. Back in the 70's when I was a wee sprout, you could get a perfectly good education in the public schools, but those days are gone (hopefully not forever, but the prospects for improvement don't look good at the moment).

Another factor is the popularity of the hip-hop culture among today's kids. Like it or not, we have to face the fact that it glorifies ignorance and puts down the value of education— that's what Bill Cosby's been talking about lately, and he's 100% right.

There's nothing I can do about that (I wish I could), but I can at least do my part in keeping the crap off the board here and making sure that we continue to have quality discussions!

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Dunrobin on February 25, 2005, 10:15:17 PM
A perfect example of the state that the government and its' schools are in:

Student arrested for threatening school with zombie invasion
(Category: Kentucky ( )

Student Arrested For Terroristic Threatening Says Incident A Misunderstanding (

William Poole, a junior at George Rogers Clark High School, was arrested Tuesday for making terroristic threats against his school.

    Poole told LEX 18 that the whole incident is a big misunderstanding. He claims that what his grandparents found in his journal and turned into police was a short story he wrote for English class.

    "My story is based on fiction," said Poole, who faces a second-degree felony terrorist threatening charge. "It's a fake story. I made it up. I've been working on one of my short stories, (and) the short story they found was about zombies. Yes, it did say a high school. It was about a high school over ran by zombies."

    Even so, police say the nature of the story makes it a felony. "Anytime you make any threat or possess matter involving a school or function it's a felony in the state of Kentucky," said Winchester Police detective Steven Caudill.

The short story did not mention Poole's school, any teachers, the principal or any cops, officials or students.

His bail was raised from one to five thousand dollars at the request of prosecutors because of the "seriousness of the crime".

There is no mention of the school itself being involved here. This madness seems to be 100% from the police.

Winchester Government contact information (
Mayor Dodd Dixon (
Chief of Police W.M.Jackson II - Phone: 1-859-745-7400, Fax: 1-859-745-7404


Do I really need to say more? This line says it all:

His bail was raised from one to five thousand dollars at the request of prosecutors because of the "seriousness of the crime".

They're got to be f**king kidding me! Zombies?

And his grandparents turned him in!
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: metaldams on February 25, 2005, 10:25:21 PM
I'll never forget when I was a senior in high school working as a bagger in a grocery store.  The cashier asked me how to make 50 cents change!  She had to be in her late teens or early twenties at the time, and until then, I didn't think it was possible for such stupidity to exist.

As far as education goes, I appreciate not everybody can be an expert, or even good, on every topic.  For example, I probably don't know enough about history or government to Rob's liking 'cause it's not a favorite topic of mine, (though I know the basics, which is more than I can say for people I work with who don't know when the Civil War even took place), and as far as science goes, I'm a total idiot.  I also understand some people aren't good spellers or good at math.  Some people aren't smart in certain areas because they have no natural capacity for it, lack a natural interest in the topic, or weren't educated well enough.  Whatever the case, no matter how bad in math or grammar you are, I think one should at least be able to make 50 cents change or know to use capital letters when starting a sentence and a period or question mark when ending one.  That isn't a lack of education, that's a lack of self-motivation and common sense.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on February 25, 2005, 10:34:42 PM
Oh, for crying out loud, Rob, this only proves that the school "authorities" don't posess one tiny scrap of sense. It's no wonder that the students are turning out the way they are.


And this little (h.s. junior, 16-year-old?) "criminal's" own grandparents turned him in. So much for "Family Values!" I'd imagine that a 15- or 16-year-old isn't exactly a child— I wasn't at that age— and that he just might know what he's doing when he writes a piece of what is clearly, fiction. As he says.

Where's that Rat Fink picture? I know I've got it in my files somewhere—

It goes out to those grandparents... Major Rat Finks!

Besides, the last time I called a zombie attack, none of them showed up... what a bunch of stiffs!

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: uncivilwarrior on February 27, 2005, 03:27:48 AM
Don't know but to me loving the stooges gives a higher IQ.... ;D
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on February 27, 2005, 04:32:48 AM
Don't know but to me loving the stooges gives a higher IQ.... ;D

Judging by your signature pic, you're USMC, and you guys almost always do have a much higher IQ than the general average...

Not to mention, more stamina!

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: uncivilwarrior on February 27, 2005, 04:43:56 AM
I wanted a avatar of Curly of Uncivil Warrior but couldn't find one("the corona,the corona,but I
only found half of it')-I don't think much todays generation know about the Three stooges-I try
to teach the Gospel of Laughter-me and 2 of my other best friends we reciet old Stooges sayings
Curly my favorite-but he wasn't nothing without his 2 Buds Moe&Larry-I wish I could go back in time give that Lug a Hug-and tell him to live well and take care of himself but he was always having fun and theres nothing wrong with that wished there where Women who loved the Stooges :D....
( Spelling, spacing, and grammar. I'll cut a U.S. Marine some slack, but not an unlimited amount!
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on February 27, 2005, 04:59:09 AM
I wanted a avatar of Curly of Uncivil Warrior but couldn't find one("the corona,the corona,but I
only found half of it')-I don't think much todays generation know about the Three stooges-I try
to teach the Gospel of Laughter-me and 2 of my other best friends we reciet old Stooges sayings
Curly my favorite-but he wasn't nothing without his 2 Buds Moe&Larry-I wish I could go back in time give that Lug a Hug-and tell him to live well and take care of himself but he was always having fun and theres nothing wrong with that wished there where Women who loved the Stooges :D....

Okay, I've been wrong before— and no doubt I'll be wrong again, at some point... it's inevitable.

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: uncivilwarrior on February 27, 2005, 01:35:17 PM
Well-just to say that yes I was a Jar-Head-served in the 1st Gulf War.
I hope what I did post didn't offend anybody-I got an email warning from this site-well anyways I did want a Curly avatar-from Uncivil Warriors in his Civil war uniform-just hard to find pics around the net to make one.As far as my grammer yes it's not to good-well I'm not a good at typing either so please cut me some slack Gents. ;)
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on February 27, 2005, 01:44:10 PM
Well-just to say that yes I was a Jar-Head-served in the 1st Gulf War.
I hope what I did post didn't offend anybody-I got an email warning from this site-well anyways I did want a Curly avatar-from Uncivil Warriors in his Civil war uniform-just hard to find pics around the net to make one... :o

And I'm the last person who would ever give a military veteran a hard time, believe me... I hold a U.S. Army Medical Corps decoration myself. Please, just watch the typing and the spelling. I'm taking the warning off— this post was a lot more readable than your last one!

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: wallawalla on February 28, 2005, 06:54:31 PM
I can't speak for myself, but my friends who are Stooges fans are quite intelligent. In fact, one of them pointed me to this board! The problem isn't that Stooges fans are imbeciles, but there are too many people who have nothing to say, yet they must find a message board to say it on. Your board seems well moderated so I doubt you'll be overrun by idjits; you know, the kind who think garage is spelled "g-a-r-a-j". ;)

The 25-post minimum to be able to start a new topic is kind of harsh, though.

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: FineBari3 on March 05, 2005, 04:13:33 PM
Do any of you long time and and semi-long time regulars get the feeling having a near average, average, or high IQ is not the norm for a Three Stooges fan?  I am amazed by the amount of morons with bad grammar that are posting on this board as of late. They ask the dumbest questions and then get snippy when somebody rightfully calls them on it.  I mean, some of the questions are alright (like the guy who wanted somebody to identify HIGHER THAN A KITE seemed cool), but for every person like that, there are about ten morons making me embarressed to even be here.  Jim, Pilsner, and especially Rob are doing a great job on this site, but unfortunately, there is only so much they can control.

Forgive me for my rant, but somebody had to say this.

My IQ is 120!!!

(It probably was more before college!!)

Lets face it, they do not focus on grammar and spelling much in school anymore. I taught social studies for a little bit back in 1999-2000, and I couldnt believe how terrible the students grammar was!
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: FineBari3 on March 05, 2005, 04:15:49 PM
If you can remember WAY-WAY back when there only existed 2400bps modems and chat rooms called BBS's (bulletin-board service), in those days the only people brave enough to post were folks who could spell and had decent grammer. .

I was on usenet back in 1990....yeah, everybody was a college or computer nerd!!!

I remember when aol got access to usenet, and we used to all make fun of the morons that would post with on their address!!!

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Stoop on March 06, 2005, 03:43:38 AM
[. . . ] 
Look, we all make spelling and grammar mistakes or say uninformed things at times, we're human after all, but the idiocy around here is unbelievable.  I remember back in the days when I walked ten miles to school in a snowstorm with nothing but my stocking feet, there used to be a diverse and fun group of SEVERAL posters, and most of them at least had a brain.  The ones that didn't were at least funny. 

Forgive me for my rant, but somebody had to say this.

If I remember correctly, and I think I do, my first few posts sucked (and I sincerely apologize). I know that not everyone can spell perfectly, I still can’t. Thus, I used to be sympathetic toward the spelling and grammar challenged. But after giving it much thought I found no reason as to why someone would neglect to simply reread their posts.

 Then I ran across this:  IE spell check ( (yes, for IE only sorry), for the lazyasses that can’t reread or cut and paste their posts from a word processor.

 Hopefully this will help someone . . . but I doubt that it will rid the world of bad spellers.  :-\
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: wakkyjaky on March 06, 2005, 11:27:44 AM
I belive that the IQ of stooge fans are much higher than the people who run this country.

Bush who launched us into an unnessary war has a lower IQ than Curly.

I have been a Stooge fan ever since I was a child and my IQ is average for a person my age.

Back then the Stooges were saying something to the people who lived back then just like comics of today say things about what goes on in our world. They just did it in their own wakky way to get peoples attention and they sure did. The Stooges have been loved through many generations. For seventy years the Stooges have been around in one way or another.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: jrvass on March 11, 2005, 07:34:23 AM
I can't speak for myself, but my friends who are Stooges fans are quite intelligent. In fact, one of them pointed me to this board! The problem isn't that Stooges fans are imbeciles, but there are too many people who have nothing to say, yet they must find a message board to say it on. Your board seems well moderated so I doubt you'll be overrun by idjits; you know, the kind who think garage is spelled "g-a-r-a-j". ;)

The 25-post minimum to be able to start a new topic is kind of harsh, though.

I don't understand the minimum post requirement either (although I think it was 15 when I just registered) unless it was designed to keep out spammers.

But do I need to make 15 or 25 replies to ask my question? That seems counterproductive. Well anyway I Googled this site up while trying to find out the answer to this (and my memory is fuzzy):

Either Curly or Moe says to a head-hunter chef "Hi Snowflake"

The Chef replies "Me no snowflake".

...and so on.

Was that in "Some more of Samoa"?

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: shemps#1 on March 11, 2005, 09:01:12 AM
The question about the quote I cannot answer, so I'll leave it to someone more knowledgeable on such matters.

The queries about the minimum post requirements I can answer, though. The minimum post requirement has been lowered to ten. It is in place due to the fact that we have had so many stupid or repeated threads started. I cannot tell you how annoying it is to have 10 different threads asking about the Alphabet Song or 50 different threads about the Niagara Falls routine. It is also to give newbies a chance to understand the ins and outs of posting at this site (such as starting new threads when there are existing threads on your subject is frowned down upon).

Is it fair to people like yourself? No; probably not. Is it necessary to keep the retards from flooding the board with idiotic threads? Unfortunately, yes it is.

I'll tell you what I'm going to do, James (smart parents, gave you a great name): I'm going to start a thread titled "Ask Team Stooge". This thread will be for newbies like yourself that want to ask a question then split, and can be answered by Team Stooge members or anyone who knows the answer.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: jrvass on March 11, 2005, 09:58:46 AM
That's cool, Shemps#1. I've run a message board in the past so I understand "Asked and Answered".

I did a search on "snowflake" and didn't find anything. Then later I saw the posts about the 10/15/25 minimum. I think the registration page said 15.

Impressive website on Stooge history. I'll be poking around some more.

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Dunrobin on March 11, 2005, 10:28:46 AM
That's cool, Shemps#1. I've run a message board in the past so I understand "Asked and Answered".

I did a search on "snowflake" and didn't find anything. Then later I saw the posts about the 10/15/25 minimum. I think the registration page said 15.

Impressive website on Stooge history. I'll be poking around some more.


Thanks for the reminder, James; when I lowered the requirement to 10 posts, I forgot to change the Registration agreement.  I've updated it now.

The "Me no Snowflake" line comes from "Some More of Samoa", but it's spoken by the native that Moe and Larry meet in the jungle.  (I don't think that he's the Chef in the later scene, but I could be wrong.)
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: wagy52 on March 11, 2005, 08:07:52 PM
Well?..I stumbled upon this site by accident.....What is the friggin average IQ of Stooges fans???????????????..I'm getting irritated because I was doing a search on average IQ's and clicked on one of the search results, WHICH WAS THIS, and it said "AVERAGE IQ OF 3 STOOGES FANS".....So I'm here...haven't seen the answer yet....just alot self indulgent blabbing about much of nothing...I dunno, maybe I'm a spaz or lazy...I was just curious about the above subject, since my wife recently bought me a DVD pack of the 3 stooges, despite the fact she doesn't comprehend the attraction...she doesn't prefer british humor either.....kinda strange, cuz she's a world class practicle joker....
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Stoop on March 11, 2005, 08:23:02 PM
Well?..I stumbled upon this site by accident.....What is the friggin average IQ of Stooges fans???????????????..I'm getting irritated because I was doing a search on average IQ's and clicked on one of the search results, WHICH WAS THIS, and it said "AVERAGE IQ OF 3 STOOGES FANS".....So I'm here...haven't seen the answer yet....just alot self indulgent blabbing about much of nothing...I dunno, maybe I'm a spaz or lazy...I was just curious about the above subject, since my wife recently bought me a DVD pack of the 3 stooges, despite the fact she doesn't comprehend the attraction...she doesn't prefer british humor either.....kinda strange, cuz she's a world class practicle joker....

Uh, I think you just answered your own question. . . whatever that was.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: jrvass on March 11, 2005, 09:22:09 PM
That's cool, Shemps#1. I've run a message board in the past so I understand "Asked and Answered".

I did a search on "snowflake" and didn't find anything. Then later I saw the posts about the 10/15/25 minimum. I think the registration page said 15.

Impressive website on Stooge history. I'll be poking around some more.


Thanks for the reminder, James; when I lowered the requirement to 10 posts, I forgot to change the Registration agreement.  I've updated it now.

The "Me no Snowflake" line comes from "Some More of Samoa", but it's spoken by the native that Moe and Larry meet in the jungle.  (I don't think that he's the Chef in the later scene, but I could be wrong.)

Cool. I'll have to see if I have that on VHS. The reason I asked is bizarre. Or stoogest. I volunteer as a foster for a Siamese cat rescue place.

I just had one cat adopted, and that didn't happen until I gave him a name that he answered to. His shelter name Vincent, he didn't asnser to. So I began calling him "Puppy" (he followed me around the house like a puppy dog!).

The other cat Zeus (who thinks of these names?):

...doesn't answer to his shelter-name either. Since he's so dark, I started to call him "Snowflake", which reminded me of the old Stooges movie. (That and the cat isn't the "sharpest knife in the drawer!)

I think you are right. The actor "Snowflake" was not the same as the chef.

"Soup bone"; "Ham bone"; etc.

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on March 13, 2005, 03:11:00 AM
So I'm here...haven't seen the answer yet....just a lot of self indulgent blabbing about much of nothing...

That's what we do around here, ya half brother to a weasel!


I refuse to divulge my I.Q. because I might be incriminated— I don't know in what, but in something.

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on March 13, 2005, 03:30:43 AM
That's cool, Shemps#1. I've run a message board in the past so I understand "Asked and Answered".

I did a search on "snowflake" and didn't find anything. Then later I saw the posts about the 10/15/25 minimum. I think the registration page said 15.

Impressive website on Stooge history. I'll be poking around some more.


Thanks for the reminder, James; when I lowered the requirement to 10 posts, I forgot to change the Registration agreement.  I've updated it now.

The "Me no Snowflake" line comes from "Some More of Samoa", but it's spoken by the native that Moe and Larry meet in the jungle.  (I don't think that he's the Chef in the later scene, but I could be wrong.)

Cool. I'll have to see if I have that on VHS. The reason I asked is bizarre. Or stoogest. I volunteer as a foster for a Siamese cat rescue place.

I just had one cat adopted, and that didn't happen until I gave him a name that he answered to. His shelter name Vincent, he didn't asnser to. So I began calling him "Puppy" (he followed me around the house like a puppy dog!).

The other cat Zeus (who thinks of these names?):

...doesn't answer to his shelter-name either. Since he's so dark, I started to call him "Snowflake", which reminded me of the old Stooges movie. (That and the cat isn't the "sharpest knife in the drawer!)

I think you are right. The actor "Snowflake" was not the same as the chef.

"Soup bone"; "Ham bone"; etc.


My mother used to own a Siamese cat... she was the nastiest animal I ever met (the cat, that is). Try to pet her, and she'd bite or claw you if she was in a bad mood (which was most of the time, just like her owner). They're very pretty to look at, though.

Which reminds me of certain female homo sapiens, but I'm not going there— I might get my "fan club" mad at me!
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Dunrobin on March 13, 2005, 09:33:08 AM
Well?..I stumbled upon this site by accident.....What is the friggin average IQ of Stooges fans???????????????..I'm getting irritated because I was doing a search on average IQ's and clicked on one of the search results, WHICH WAS THIS, and it said "AVERAGE IQ OF 3 STOOGES FANS".....So I'm here...haven't seen the answer yet....just alot self indulgent blabbing about much of nothing...I dunno, maybe I'm a spaz or lazy...I was just curious about the above subject, since my wife recently bought me a DVD pack of the 3 stooges, despite the fact she doesn't comprehend the attraction...she doesn't prefer british humor either.....kinda strange, cuz she's a world class practicle joker....

This is a perfect example of why I instituted a posting limit before being able to start new threads.

I'm not going to state my IQ leve, but it's high enough to make me frustrated with my fellow citizens when they can't see the obvious right in front of them.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: jrvass on March 13, 2005, 10:16:56 AM
My mother used to own a Siamese cat... she was the nastiest animal I ever met (the cat, that is). Try to pet her, and she'd bite or claw you if she was in a bad mood (which was most of the time, just like her owner). They're very pretty to look at, though.

Which reminds me of certain female homo sapiens, but I'm not going there— I might get my "fan club" mad at me!

Topic drift... but I'm working on my 10 posts.

It just depends on how you treat them. The last Siamese, "Puppy", I had as a foster was nasty the first week I had him. (3 year old male). Claws and everything. I gave him a couple smacks and left him alone while I tended to my bleeding. Eventually he learned he wasn't "top-cat", and who filled the water and food bowls.

"Puppy" was adopted last week, about 6 weeks after I got him. Leave the cat alone, and it will eventually cozy up to you. "Dog people" try to roughhouse with cats in the same way as dogs, and usually that creates mean cats.

I haven't tried it, but I have always have wondered if it's true. If you cut the cat's whiskers off on one side of its face, would it wander around in a circle in the dark?

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: jrvass on March 13, 2005, 10:33:37 AM
I have no frickin' idea of what my IQ score is!

But I had a 3.87 in my MBA program and did it in 1 year, not 2 years. And a 3.29 in undergraduate college. 20 years ago before "dumbing down" became the norm in high-school and college.

So if 2.0 GPA or a "C", is average. And a 100 IQ score is average. I'll extrapolate that I have a 150 IQ.

So there. You have your answer. The average IQ of a 3-Stooges fan is a much above average 150.

(And now I have 10 posts!)


Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: FineBari3 on March 16, 2005, 06:59:25 PM
I have no frickin' idea of what my IQ score is!

But I had a 3.87 in my MBA program and did it in 1 year, not 2 years. And a 3.29 in undergraduate college. 20 years ago before "dumbing down" became the norm in high-school and college.

So if 2.0 GPA or a "C", is average. And a 100 IQ score is average. I'll extrapolate that I have a 150 IQ.

So there. You have your answer. The average IQ of a 3-Stooges fan is a much above average 150.

(And now I have 10 posts!)


If you used the word extrapolate in a sentence, I will say that your IQ is at least 150! 

Congrats on the high GPA with your MBA, OK!  (It rhymes....)
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: jrvass on March 16, 2005, 07:39:56 PM
All Stooge fans have a high IQ... that's why we are here! :D

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Dagurasu on March 16, 2005, 08:58:21 PM
I'm sure that the i.q. range of Stooge fans is fairly broad. But for some of us who can recognize Stooge mangling of words with more than 3 syllables WE consider ourselves above average. I personally believe that there is a distrust of authority among Stooge fans which indicates above average intelligence or at least an anti-sheep-like mentality. The Stooges are so violently anti-authoritarian that fans tend to be more analytical and questioning as well. If you're looking for unquestioning sympathy for authority you won't find it here.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: jrvass on March 16, 2005, 09:55:45 PM
You Nazty Spy!  >:D

The Stooges were political in their comedy. Shortly after Chaplin, but way before Carson, Letterman, Leno and the rest.

Looking back to their shorts of the late 30's-early '40's, gives you an appreciation that they were predicting the future, not commenting on the failures of the past.

Stooges? In name only.

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: titmouse on March 21, 2005, 11:27:06 PM
i know when i started watching the stooges back in 1964 my grades improved dramatically......
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: CURLYFAN on June 16, 2006, 12:39:32 PM
Please, just watch the typing and the spelling.

Ya mean to tell me that spelling, grammar and typing count ???

So it's OK to cuss and swear but watch the typing, spelling and grammar ??

What's wrong with this picture ??

Am I missing something ??
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Dog Hambone on June 16, 2006, 01:06:57 PM
Cussing & swearing don't necessarily indicate ignorance, expecially in this day & time. But bad typing, spelling, & grammar will make you look like a moron every time; I've seen internet postings that had so many internet abbreviations along with poor typing, spelling, & grammar that it was impossible to figure out what the nitwit was talking about. I can really appreciate this site not being like that.   
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: shemps#1 on June 16, 2006, 04:46:20 PM
You're getting on my nerves real fast. If you want me to close your account just say so, or better yet keep whining about the guidelines.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Dog Hambone on June 16, 2006, 05:22:04 PM
shemps#1, I hope that was directed to Curlyfan & not me. I was not whining, but was paying a compliment to the guidelines on this site.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: shemps#1 on June 16, 2006, 06:36:02 PM
Of course it was; if it look under where it says "reply 38" you'll see "reply to: CURLYFAN". I even gave you a kudos.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on June 16, 2006, 09:07:40 PM
Cussing & swearing don't necessarily indicate ignorance, expecially in this day & time. But bad typing, spelling, & grammar will make you look like a moron every time; I've seen internet postings that had so many internet abbreviations along with poor typing, spelling, & grammar that it was impossible to figure out what the nitwit was talking about. I can really appreciate this site not being like that.   

It's nice of you to say that, and I appreciate the compliment. Believe or or not, it takes a fair amount of effort and also some insight to be a moderator, and we don't get paid for it, either. My personal mission here has always been to increase the general appreciation of the Three Stooges and the other great slapstick comedians, and also the music of that long-gone era when entertainers really worked at pleasing an audience.

Luckily for us here in the entertainment doldrums of the 21st century (all hat and no cattle) much of their genius is preserved on film and records, and so it lives on.

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: CURLYFAN on June 20, 2006, 07:52:10 PM
You're getting on my nerves real fast

OK how am I getting on your nerves real fast ???

All I did was ask a few questions  ???

I have been on this site for over a year and I have been very very happy with it but I am not at all happy with your threat, what's up with that ???

I aslo saw the karma comments and what did I do to you that made you put me down like that ???
 It's not a threat. S#1
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: xraffle on June 20, 2006, 11:29:05 PM
I have been on this site for over a year and I have been very very happy with it but I am not at all happy with your threat, what's up with that ???

I aslo saw the karma comments and what did I do to you that made you put me down like that ???

This is because you are making such a fuss about the guidelines. I don't know understand why asking for decent typing is such a big deal to you. Your typing seems fine, why all the complaints? Is it that hard to do?

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Giff me dat fill-em! on June 20, 2006, 11:31:39 PM
curlyfanyouaremissingsomethingbydisregardinggrammarspellingandpunctuationifyoucontinuetodisregradthisit willquicklybecomeverydifficulttounderstandanythingyoupost ... you dig?
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: shemps#1 on June 21, 2006, 02:56:06 AM
OK how am I getting on your nerves real fast ???

All I did was ask a few questions  ???

I have been on this site for over a year and I have been very very happy with it but I am not at all happy with your threat, what's up with that ???

I aslo saw the karma comments and what did I do to you that made you put me down like that ???
 It's not a threat. S#1

Well let's see:

Quote from: CURLYFAN
What is going on with this site Huh

Why are you so picky about grammar, spelling, CAPS, spacing ??

Nobody is perfect ya know

Quote from: CURLYFAN
Ya mean to tell me that spelling, grammar and typing count Huh

So it's OK to cuss and swear but watch the typing, spelling and grammar ??

What's wrong with this picture ??

Am I missing something ??

These are quoted from two different posts, in two different threads, one directly after another. You even replied to a warning that didn't even involve you. I don't take kindly to people sticking their fucking noses in other people's business, especially when it comes to my administration tactics. That's like holding up a huge sign that says "Please fuck with me Shemps#1".

Whether or not you agree with guidelines DOES NOT MATTER. The guidelines are not up for debate. This isn't a democracy. Do you understand that? I don't want some jizz stain using the roll eyes smiley and repeatedly questioning the guidelines. If you can't handle the guidelines then leave. If you continue to question the guidelines I will ban you and make you leave. We do not need you here.

Over a year huh? Whoopie-dip-shit. Very few members of this website have been here longer than I have.

I'll leave you with a picture that sums it all up perfectly.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: CURLYFAN on June 22, 2006, 04:24:06 PM
Please delete my account as I no longer want to participate on this site
 Your wish is my command, you're gone. S#1
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: shemps#1 on June 22, 2006, 04:39:49 PM
With pleasure fuck face, we don't want you here.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: shemps#1 on June 22, 2006, 04:52:26 PM
Who would have thought that a thread from a long-timer that rarely posts here anymore complaining about the idiocy coming from many of the newbies would actually attract them like flies to bug zapper.

I would be remiss if I didn't give a shout-out to the cool newbies we've gotten like JazzBill, jrvass, Thump The Shoes, and kinderscenen. All hope is not lost.

Edit: Dog Hambone deserves a shout-out too. In fact I'm going to give all of these guys "applauds" for keeping my faith in humanity alive.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: xraffle on June 22, 2006, 04:55:14 PM
Please delete my account as I no longer want to participate on this site

I don't understand. I really don't. So what you're saying is that instead of following the rules and typing properly, you rather be banned. You see, if evry1 types like dis, then people will have a hard time understanding what the posts are saying. I don't see why you have to complain.

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: JazzBill on June 22, 2006, 07:57:50 PM
Please delete my account as I no longer want to participate on this site
 Your wish is my command, you're gone. S#1
" Alas poor CurlyFan, I knew him well "  :'(
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Gorilla Watson on June 22, 2006, 09:35:48 PM
What I'd like to know is, what's up with the name-calling?

I have perused this fine board quite extensively and seen many examples of how moderating is done here. I am a global mod as well elsewhere, and would like to compare notes sometime. Being a global moderator, you are in a position to be respected and obeyed, but we must act in a respectable manner to be respected. This goes for everyone, whether in a position of authority or not. There were Germans during WW2 who weren't Nazis and weren't supportive of their beliefs and actions. They had no respect for Hitler because he was most definitely not acting in a respectable manner. Am I comparing you to the fuhrer? No, just using him as an example. He "banned" people just because they disgusted him or angered him, or somehow went against how he thought all Germans should live. Unfortunately, I see that here. Please keep in mind, I'm saying these things as a friend  and a peer. If I'm angering you, I deeply apologize and I'm also deeply saddened, because you don't understand and are probably just going with your first feeling about what I am saying.

I also hope I don't come off as telling you how to do your job or preaching. I'm simply offering peer-to-peer support. I meant what I said about my being a friend and friends don't tell others what to do or how to do their jobs or preaching at them.

My philosophy is to treat a offender how I would like to be treated if I was the offender. I would not like to be told to "fuck off" or be called a "fuck face" or an "asshole" or "gay/ghey". I would however like to be leveled with about what I did, what I'm getting for it and how I can do better if I'm just being warned. That will get you mucho respect and admiration. And you know what? The offender will never leave and/or ask to have the account deleted because of your actions toward them. They will never plot and scheme to get back on under another handle to still be a regular poster and they definitely won't hate you. If you practice being slow to anger, all your confrontations with offenders will go more smoothly and you won't feel pestered by them.

It is my personal feeling that offenders who aren't outright trolls are not the scum of the earth that you have treated all or most offenders as. Again, please don't be angry, as I don't mean to pick on you, and how you choose to moderate in the end, I couldn't care less. I'll just be sure to stay on your good side. But going back to the "scum of the earth" thing, if someone just has questions that you are sickdder of reading on here, that's when I would really take a deep breath, relax and remember that I have asked questions to people who were sick of getting the same ones all the time as well. Did I do it to irritate the one I asked? No. Did I even know that they got that question so many times before? No. I just wanted the info. To catch hell for that is to be a victim of circumstance! Moderators need lots of patience and understanding, my friend. I know these frustrations that moderators face, and we can't let ourselves take it out on anyone, even the offenders. Most of the time, they are unaware of the frustrations we face and don't know any better when they add to them, unlike how they should know better than to use bad grammar, punctuation (etc) around here.

I give you tons of credit for sticking with the job, with all it's frustrations and time-consumation, as well as for having the best interests of this site in mind. You make it abundantly clear that you do. I'd like to see you
dwell more on the rewards of good moderating than on the negatives about it. Taking any of the negatives out on offenders will just stir things up every time. I've been there, I know. I've learned.

Once again, if there is any way you might possibly be angered, offended or otherwise upset about this post, I deeply apologize and I'll drop it right now. If you're okay with it (as I intended for you to be), I'm here for you. Anytime you want to release those frustrations, drop me a line and feel free to bitch about so-and-so being someone else who is doing such-and-such again. Feel free to bitch about someone who "just doesn't get it" when you are confronting them. Any other frustration issues? Feel free to bitch about those too. I've been down all the roads of moderator frustration. If you want some advice, I can do that as well, friend. May you find this post helpful and not negative or condescending. If you firmly believe that you have it all together and don't need anything I'm offering, so be it, and I will drop it now.

And I will hope you "get it" someday, friend.
 There is nothing that I need to "get". S#1
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: xraffle on June 22, 2006, 09:59:22 PM
I understand what you're trying to say, but you can't blame shemps#1 for losing his patience. CURLYFAN kept on complaining about the rules. Asking someone to type properly isn't so much to ask. But he still kept on complaining, which didn't make sense. There are a lot of jerks out there, especially on message boards, so sometimes you have to be hard on people and put them in their place.

Also, for someone who claims that they don't mean to offend anyone, your last paragraph and your last sentence came out kind of harsh, in my opinion. If I were the one you were talking to, I would get offended.

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Gorilla Watson on June 22, 2006, 10:05:32 PM
You are probably right and I'm sorry if it offends him. I do have my beliefs though (which I will be willing to drop instantly). And I do understand why he was getting impatient with CURLYFAN.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on June 22, 2006, 10:31:12 PM
I'm going to step in here and call a "time out," for everybody (we need a smiley of a referee blowing a whistle, but we don't have one).

Maybe it's the Summer heat— even in San Francisco, it was 90 degrees today— but people sure seem to have short fuses lately!

For those of you who are fairly new to these boards, shemps#1 and I have been the moderators for several years now. He tends to come down harder than I do on spelling-grammar offenders, but the rules for posting are clearly stated, and S#1, Dunrobin, and I all agree that writing coherent, understandable English is important.

Our styles of moderating are completely different; I hardly ever use profanity, since I don't speak that way in personal conversation. I don't need to use George Carlin's "seven words you can't say on the radio," because I can express myself adequately enough without them. Someone once said of Mark Twain that he wrote with "a pen warmed up in Hell;" so can I, if need be, and I can do it without using any Anglo-Saxon invectives at all. I usually write as if I'm writing for publication, since I'm used to dealing with newspaper and magazine editors, and I know by now (only too well) what they'll cut.

It really is just about style... I saw an HBO comedy special with Lewis Black the other night, and practically every other word out of his mouth was "fuck." It struck me that if you'd edited out all the "fucks," his material would have been just as funny, and the guy is very funny. But that's his way of expressing himself, and the same is true of shemps#1. If he chooses to use profanity and I don't, that's just a matter of personal choice.

I think that we've all done a fine job of keeping the quality of the posts here above average... I could point you to a dozen discussion boards where that's not the case, and the illiterates are allowed to run wild. On the other hand, there are some other boards where the mods overdo it, and get too anal-rententive and arbitrary about having the power to edit, warn, and ban contributors.

My personal feeling (biased, of course) is that we've managed to strike a pretty good balance here between coming down too hard and letting illiteracy and chaos get the upper hand. I can't think of a single ban over the last four years or so (mine, Dunrobin's, or shemps#1's), that wasn't justified.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: shemps#1 on June 22, 2006, 10:40:25 PM
I'll have to take umbrage with just about everything you say, GW.

I've been a part of this website for six years, and have been a moderator/administrator for two or three of those years. This website is the greatest Three Stooges resource on the Internet, and for that I take no credit whatsoever.

Alot of hard-working, knowledgeable folks have busted their ass to make this website what it is today. Guys like Dunrobin, BeAStooge, and so on. What I am is the hired muscle, an Enforcer of sorts. It is my job (along with Pilsner Panther) to weed out the trolls and idiots; to "take out the trash" as it were.

Having moderated this board as long as I have, and having dealt with as many "gay/ghey fuck faces" as I have, I have weeding the idiots and trolls down to a science. I can spot them a mile away, and I dispose of them when the time is right.

In the case of CURLYFAN, he pointed out his disdain for the tight rules on punctuation/grammar/capitalization and the loose rules on cursing in not one but two threads. He even had something to say on an old issue that had long since been resolved between myself and the offender. Was I hard on him? Yes, but that served a dual purpose. The first purpose was to try to convey to him that the rules are not up for debate, and the second purpose was I knew he was an idiot and it would be in the best interest of this website if he were weeded out.

I really take offense to your comparison of me to the Nazis. You say you are not doing so, but step back and read that paragraph again and perhaps you will realize you are.

I resort to name calling when my patience is gone. You may not like that, but you are not a moderator of this website and I am.

I'll say this only once so you may want to read it a couple of times so that it might sink in: I do not give a shit how the offender wants to be treated. The offender is the one in the wrong, and as I said awhile back he/she is up for flaming. It is not my job to be compassionate, it is my job to make sure the site runs smoothly and the rules are being followed.

If you are half as smart as you think you are I'd drop it right now. I do not want or need you as a friend/confidant/shoulder to cry on/whatever. I am confident in and feel just fine about the job I am doing. The only people whose opinions count as far as my tactic goes are my fellow administrators and perhaps a couple of the elder statesmen on this site.

I'll be watching you GW, I have a sinking feeling we've met before.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: shemps#1 on June 23, 2006, 12:50:15 AM
Ya know, I read this post by "Gorilla Watson", which is chock full of patronizing bullshit and weak attempts at pot shots by the way, and I said to myself "this is probably the King of Trolls, a sorry excuse for a man who can't take a hint that he isn't wanted on this site in any way, shape, or form". Then I said "perhaps I'm wrong and jumping the gun". Well I've analyzed this post and I am even more convinced than before that it's you, Islipp.

That message board you moderate is a wrestling message board, you sit in your parents' house and jerk off to Scooby Doo reruns, dreaming of a threesome with Thelma and Daphne (or perhaps Shaggy and Fred). You've made idiotic comparisons before, such as comparing Sickdrjoe to Osama bin Ladin. You've also droned on and on before, taking 500 words or more to say what could be said in 50 or less.

For those of you who are lucky enough to never have encountered Islipp, to make an oh-so-long story short, he is a troll who has been banned from this and other Stooges message boards under many names.

Your #1 problem Eric is that you can't shut up. You just have to keep showing up where you're not wanted and throw your two cents in everything. If you were able to keep your mouth shut and stay out from under my radar I might not have caught you yet again. Much like a serial killer you just have to be caught, have to be recognised (how's that for an analogy?).

So that leaves us with a dilemma: what should I do with you? Should I allow you to come out and admit that you are indeed Islipp and leave your fate to a jury of your peers? Or perhaps you will lie and deny you are Islipp. Then shall I allow you enough rope to hang yourself as you unwillingly reveal yourself to everyone else who was around long enough to remember you, then ban you? Or should I just ban you yet again right after your denial?

I eargerly await your response Eric: and just remember that you've been busted yet again. You can't hide from me.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on June 23, 2006, 04:18:56 PM
I do have my beliefs though (which I will be willing to drop instantly).

Now, that's what I admire— integrity!

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: JazzBill on June 23, 2006, 08:27:46 PM
Rules and guidelines are what brought me to this site in the first place. Before I came here I used to post in the guest book of the so-called Official Stooge Site. I finally got fed up with all of the nonsense that was going on over there. Spam and all kinds of garbage from some of the biggest idiots I've ever come across. There were a hand full of decent people, but you had to wade through pages of garbage to find them. I knew about this site but I was a little nervous about coming here because I wasn't sure I would be able to cut the mustard. Now I only wish I would of came over sooner.
So, as far as weeding out the idiots, I say go for it. I would rather post at a site with a few good people, than insult my intelligence by having to listen to hundreds of assholes talking nonsense.   [soapbox]
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: shemps#1 on June 23, 2006, 10:13:10 PM
So, as far as weeding out the idiots, I say go for it. I would rather post at a site with a few good people, than insult my intelligence by having to listen to hundreds of assholes talking nonsense.   [soapbox]

Hell yeah! That's I've been saying for I don't know how long now.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Bruckman on June 24, 2006, 03:52:10 PM
Normally I can't stand rules, restrictions, conventions; they're a red flag.

However, in the case of this website, I not only follow the guidelines, I back up anyone who wants to raise or even maintain standards of good ol' English composition. Nor do I have a problem w/Shemps#1's use of profanity. I confine most of my 4-letter words to when I'm working on cars where no one can hear me; if I happen to use one in written or spoken discourse, it means I'm severely pissed off and you'd do well to stay out of my path. With Jim, it's his personal mode of expression, and a lot less offensive to me than the poorly-written and punctuated sentences which some posters grunt out and which appear to have been typed with one finger in a dimly-lit room. (If you have a friggin' computer, learn to type for pete's sake. I use only 4 fingers to type because I'm self-taught, but it's fast enough and accurate enough - probably because I've been doing it for 25 years, that I score around 55-60 wpm on typing tests). With all the electronic aids available on computers (which didn't exist when I learned to type on an old Underwood manual, a broken down machine which was all the high school would permit to those of us on the school paper or lit magazine - I wrote copy for the first and edited the second) there's just no excuse for inaccuracy and misspellings. Yeah, I'm not perfect, but when something gets by me it's usually in the form of a typo; but once, on this very board, Dunrobin himself took me to task for screwing up "simulacrum". (I deserved it).

If old Mail-Order Writing Course Eric insists on posting, I say we let him under the above criteria.

Anyone who objects to the posting guidelines, TS and it's no great loss.

I'd say, too, that the IQ of the valued posters on any Stooge site has to be well above average, though I agree w/Pils that public-school standards are now far below what they were when he and I were in school. When an adult woman with 2 kids in tow drags a fully loaded shopping cart into the "10 Items or Less" lane, while I'm standing there with a couple quarts of oil and a filter, then whines she didn't see the sign, I despair over her kids' futures. (The fact these kids will be adults when I'm a doddering old wreck puttering around a retirement colony in Florida really scares me).
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Bruckman on June 24, 2006, 04:02:18 PM
Being a global moderator, you are in a position to be respected and obeyed, but we must act in a respectable manner to be respected. This goes for everyone....That will get you mucho respect and admiration. If you practice being slow to anger, all your confrontations with offenders will go more smoothly and you won't feel pestered by them.

BTW I got a good laugh out of Jim spending his life in pursuit of "mucho respect and admiration". Fact is, if I have any respect for him, it's because he doesn't respect very much. [Also he's a Patriots fan, but we'll leave regional factions out of this).

I liked GW's little Bible-class homily on being "slow to anger" too. Just the thing for an atheist to live by.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: biteme on June 24, 2006, 11:10:33 PM
I  do not  understand  this shemp #1  you get mad over someones grammer but you can  call names and cuss even bann them well i think you as a moderator well i have to say  you are the  sorryest  moderator i have ever  come  across  so you can just  ban  me    write now because you suck   andmygrammerisntperfectneverwillbedontcareifyoulikeitornot
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: xraffle on June 24, 2006, 11:20:38 PM
I  do not  understand  this shemp #1  you get mad over someones grammer but you can  call names and cuss even bann them well i think you as a moderator well i have to say  you are the  sorryest  moderator i have ever  come  across  so you can just  ban  me    write now because you suck   andmygrammerisntperfectneverwillbedontcareifyoulikeitornot

Well look at this. We have another knucklehead who decided to join the site and cause trouble.

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on June 24, 2006, 11:51:14 PM
...And joins the site just to cause trouble, and nothing else. I'll save shemps#1 the trouble and ban him myself; I haven't banned anyone in a long time, so I don't want to get rusty.

Bruckman was talking about all the stupidity he runs into, and heres's yet another example of it. Sometimes I think there's something wrong with the gene pool, either that, or a lot of indbreeding going on that produces all these mental defectives.


Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: shemps#1 on June 24, 2006, 11:56:34 PM
Oops, sorry Pils I didn't see your post, now this douche is banned twice.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: JazzBill on June 24, 2006, 11:59:09 PM
I  do not  understand  this shemp #1  you get mad over someones grammer but you can  call names and cuss even bann them well i think you as a moderator well i have to say  you are the  sorryest  moderator i have ever  come  across  so you can just  ban  me    write now because you suck   andmygrammerisntperfectneverwillbedontcareifyoulikeitornot
What a big suprise,someone that goes by the name "biteme" is causing trouble. When I first saw the "Please welcome "biteme", our newest member", I knew you were a member all right. If this were my joint I'd throw you out of it. Where's a cop when you need one?  :police:
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on June 24, 2006, 11:59:23 PM
Oops, sorry Pils I didn't see your post, now this douche is banned twice.

I figured you might have beat me to it, since I didn't put that "ok" in there. You realize that this is a historic moment, don't you? The first simultaneous banning in the site's history!


Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: JazzBill on June 25, 2006, 12:03:25 AM
While I was typing my post I see that you and Pils had already taken care of it. But seeing as how I had taken the time to type it (not an easy feat for me) I posted it anyway.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: shemps#1 on June 25, 2006, 12:15:42 AM
I figured you might have beat me to it, since I didn't put that "ok" in there. You realize that this is a historic moment, don't you? The first simultaneous banning in the site's history!


We're a regular cohesive unit, either that or we've been on the beat together too long!  :police:

Actually, that was a fun one and I couldn't ban him soon enough. His "I'm proud to be an idiot post, go ahead and ban me" post was quite amusing. My guess is he's a disgruntled ex-member, perhaps.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Shemp Shady on June 25, 2006, 01:18:27 AM
Great stuff! Makes me wax nostalgic.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on June 25, 2006, 11:39:02 PM
Great stuff! Makes me wax nostalgic.

It makes me wax nostalgic to see you back, Shemp Shady... it's been while, hasn't it?

I waxed my Nostalgic with Brighto and it took all the paint off—

Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Jamison on July 07, 2006, 04:45:57 PM
I see a lot of familiar names here. Even Slipp seems to be around, using one of his many personas. I've been pretty much off all boards for the last 4-5 months because of a (unasked-for) change in my job. But this week I've moved back to my old hours, duties and desk so maybe I can start contributing in my own meager way again.
And I will NOT try to answer that IQ question! I think I took an IQ test in 3rd grade and can't remember what it was. I assume it's slipped several points in the last 42 years!
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on July 07, 2006, 11:43:42 PM
I see a lot of familiar names here. Even Slipp seems to be around, using one of his many personas. I've been pretty much off all boards for the last 4-5 months because of a (unasked-for) change in my job. But this week I've moved back to my old hours, duties and desk so maybe I can start contributing in my own meager way again.
And I will NOT try to answer that IQ question! I think I took an IQ test in 3rd grade and can't remember what it was. I assume it's slipped several points in the last 42 years!

Yeah, Jamison, Slipp's been around, all right. It's been interesting watching the dynamics of the board over the past few years: the old regulars sometimes disappear for long periods of time, but of most of them come back. Just like the hardcore fans always go back to watching the Stooges!

Bruckman and metaldams don't post as often as they used to, but they're still around. On the other hand, sickdrjoe seems to have gone away for good, for reasons known only to him. So, I ended up taking his place as a moderator... I didn't even volunteer for the job, Dunrobin appointed me. The moderating team has been stable for quite a while: shemps#1 and yours truly, and we work together very well, if I do say so myself.

Speaking of Dunrobin, he hasn't been around much himself lately, but he's made a lot of technical and design improvements to the site (I had some input on the latter), and BeAStooge continues to update the knowledge base on a regular basis, with the help of the other Team Stooge members.

I'd be interested to hear the opinions of any of the early members who've been away for a while and come back— what you think of the site now. I can tell you this much, we've all done a lot of work here.

The Stooges deserve nothing less!
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Gorilla Watson on July 08, 2006, 08:25:53 AM
Is there a disease going around for you long-timers? Maybe it's more like a mental condition where something affects you so badly that you think you see it everywhere. I'd say you are probably just able to see IP#s in Lurkerland, but non-mods see this Slipp too. The only thing I can think of for treatment would be to relax and recite "Slipp is long gone as an active poster" as a mantra, over and over for as long as it takes. It might be a few days or a few weeks, but you'll soon be as good as new.

In the meantime, you mods can still keep your eyes peeled and remain ready to ban any "newbie" who you know for sure is Slipp. He must have been a pretty constant and annoying pest to have affected you so.
Title: Re: What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on July 08, 2006, 11:33:47 AM
Is there a disease going around for you long-timers? Maybe it's more like a mental condition where something affects you so badly that you think you see it everywhere. I'd say you are probably just able to see IP#s in Lurkerland, but non-mods see this Slipp too. The only thing I can think of for treatment would be to relax and recite "Slipp is long gone as an active poster" as a mantra, over and over for as long as it takes. It might be a few days or a few weeks, but you'll soon be as good as new.

In the meantime, you mods can still keep your eyes peeled and remain ready to ban any "newbie" who you know for sure is Slipp. He must have been a pretty constant and annoying pest to have affected you so.

IP numbers are easy enough to get around, for any halfway-determined troll... there are other "fingerprints" by which one can be identified, but I don't want to give away any trade secrets. Affected by the pest? No, it's more like playing Whack-A-Mole to wait for him to pop up again: sooner or later, he always does, whenever he manages to "Slipp" out of his padded cell.
