Transcription by Stooge: 
MRS. NORFLEET....Symona Boniface
MR. NORFLEET....Emil Sitka
WILKES....Herb Evans
MRS. ALLEN....Christine McIntyre
MR. ALLEN....Kenneth MacDonald
CHEF....Dudley Dickerson
The short opens up with the Norfleets, a wealthy couple,
looking at the Van Brocklin painting hung up on their
MRS. NORFLEET: At last, we own the Van Brocklin. Oh,
Walter, I’m so thrilled. Isn’t it simply exquisite?
MR. NORFLEET: It ought to be, it cost fifty thousand
MRS. NORFLEET: Van Brocklin...what a genius. And just
think – the poor man died in poverty.
MR. NORFLEET: He only died in poverty. From now
on, I’ll
have to live in it!
MRS. NORFLEET: Now, Walter, don’t spoil everything! Run
along and change, dear, like a good boy. (Mr. Norfleet
leaves) Our guests will be here any minute.
Wilkes the Butler walks in.
WILKES: Beg pardon, madam. There’s a leak in the
plumbing. It’s getting worse every minute!
MRS. NORFLEET: Oh, this is dreadful, Wilkes! How can I
a plumber over here at this hour?
WILKES: Well, there’s a new place on Elm Street,
madam. The, eh, “Day and Night Plumbersâ€. Apparently,
they’re on duty twenty-four hours a day.
MRS. NORFLEET: Thank you, Wilkes. I’ll phone them at
As Mrs. Norfleet walks over towards the phone, the camera
cuts over to The Day and Night Plumbers sign. We then see
Moe sitting in a jeep, reading over a “How to Be a
book. The phone rings. Moe puts the book down and picks
the phone up.
MOE: \"Night and Day Plumbers\". (pause) What’s that madam,
leak? (pause) Yes? (pause) Yes? (pause) Norfleet. 217
Lyndon Drive. (pause) Now don’t worry your pretty little
head, we’ll be over in two shakes of a martini. (hangs up
the phone) Ha, ha! Our first case (pushes the phone away
but the extension at the end of it pushes it back into his
head) OOH! (pushes the phone back again and it stretches
back out and hits him again) OOH! Why, you... (reaches
the punch the phone, but it automatically pushes itself
back) Ha, ha, ha... (the phone reaches out and hits him
again) OHHH! Grr!
Moe turns on the engine to start the jeep.
MOE: (yelling up at Shemp and Larry) C’mon, you slugs!
We’re rollin’!
Camera cuts over upstairs where Shemp and Larry are
sleeping and snoring loudly on bunk beds attached to the
wall. Camera cuts back over to Moe downstairs.
MOE: Oh, stubborn eh??!
Moe pulls a nearby wire, which causes the two bunk beds to
drop Shemp and Larry on the floor. Larry gets up, but
Shemp tries to go back to sleep again.
LARRY: (grabbing the plumbing tools) Hey, c’mon, Shemp!
It’s our first call!
Shemp starts to wake up. Larry walks up to the firepole
the room and drops the toolbag down there. It falls and
hits Moe right on the head, who’s right under the
firepole. Larry then slides down the pole and lands on
of Moe, pushing his foot down on the pedal. The jeep
off. A second afterwards, Shemp is seen sliding down the
pole and he crashes into the floor, missing the jeep
SHEMP: ...We gotta get a longer jeep... (looks off-screen
at Moe and Larry taking off in the jeep) Hey, wait for me!
The scene ends and the next scene starts off back at the
Norfleets’ mansion. There is currently a social party
going on. Mrs. Norfleet is talking with the Allens,
another couple.
MRS. NORFLEET: Mr. and Mrs. Allen, so glad you could come!
MRS. ALLEN: We’re simply dying to see the Van
MRS. NORFLEET: Well, I\'ll not keep you waiting. (to all
guests) In the living room,
everybody. (to Wilkes) Oh, Wilkes, bring the
WILKES: Very well, madam.
As everyone leaves to go to the living room, the doorbell
rings. Mr. Allen walks up to the door and opens it. The
Stooges, carrying their plumbing equipment, are standing
outside the door. They start barging inside the house,
glance around the place.
MR. ALLEN: Well?
MOE: Day and Night Plumbers!
SHEMP: Yeah. C’mon, c’mon! Where’s the leak?
MR. ALLEN: I’m not the butler! (pointing at the living
room) He’s in there.
LARRY: Well, leg on, pal.
MR. ALLEN: (mumbling to himself as he walks away)
Camera cuts over to the living room, where the guests are
all observing the Van Brocklin painting.
MRS. ALLEN: Oh, it’s divine. What color! What detail!
MRS. NORFLEET: And it’s over two-hundred years old. Every
museum in the country tried to buy it.
MR. ALLEN: It’s a masterpiece, alright. I congratulate
WILKES: (handing Mr. Allen a cocktail) Mr. Allen?
MR. ALLEN: (taking the cocktail) Thank you. Oh, uh, the
plumbers are looking for you. (starts sipping his
WILKES: In the drawing room??? They should’ve come around
the back way. Thank you, sir. (walks away)
Camera cuts over to the Stooges waiting in the drawing
room. Wilkes walks up to them.
WILKES: Look here, you men!!
LARRY: (noticing the cocktails on the tray that Wilkes is
holding) Refreshments!
MOE: (to Wilkes) Thanks!
The Stooges each drop their plumbing tools on Wilkes’ feet
as they reach for the cocktails.
The guests in the living room overhear the noise from the
drawing room.
MRS. NORFLEET: (to the guests) Oh, excuse me.
MRS. ALLEN: Of course.
Mrs. Norfleet leaves the room and goes up to the Stooges.
MRS. NORFLEET: How dare you come in here and mingle
with my guests?
MOE: Now take it easy, lady. Don’t blow a fu...
MRS. NORFLEET: Never mind! Give me that.
Moe hands her the cocktail.
MRS. NORFLEET: (to Larry) I’ll take yours, too. (Larry
angrily hands her his cocktail) The idea!
Mrs. Norfleet places the two cocktails back on the tray.
MRS. NORFLEET: (to Shemp) Now, you! Give me what you have
in your hand!
SHEMP: (handing her a blowtorch) Here...
Moe takes the blowtorch and bangs it over Shemp’s head.
MRS. NORFLEET: Oh! Such impertinence! Wilkes, get them
out of here and put them to work! (leaves the room)
WILKES: Yes, madam.
LARRY: (imitating Mrs. Norfleet) \"Wilkes, get them out
here and put them to work!\"
MOE: (speaking in a snobbish voice) Yes, you heard what
gentleman said!
SHEMP: (also speaking in a snobbish voice) Please,
WILKES: Here, here, here! The leak’s in the basement! Go
on, go on!
MOE: It’s practically fixed!
As Shemp and Larry pick up their tools and leave, they
knock over a dresser holding a flower vase. Wilkes drops
the tray he’s holding and catches the falling vase.
MOE: (to Wilkes) They came in here to fix the leak, and
almost wrecked the house the clumsy idiots!
As Moe turns around, the pipe he’s carrying over his arm
bangs into the back of Wilkes head, causing him to drop
vase on the ground. It smashes.
WILKES: (aggravated) Oh!
The scene ends and the next scene begins down in the
basement of the mansion. Moe is twisting a wrench on a
pipe as Shemp watches.
SHEMP: That’s got it!
MOE: Yeah, just a little sauntering job. (handing Shemp
the wrench, which is still connecting to the pipe) Hold on
to this, and don\'t let it slip. (to Larry) Gimme
that blow
Larry aims the blowtorch towards Moe’s behind and
accidentally turns it on, burning Moe\'s behind.
Moe accidentally steps in the bucket and gets his foot
stuck inside of it.
MOE: (to Larry) Get my foot outta there!
LARRY: Okay!
Larry yanks Moe’s leg up, causing Moe to unintentionally
knee him. Moe falls backwards and bumps into Shemp,
causing Shemp’s arm holding the wrench to slip, and the
wrench bangs into Moe’s head. The pipe goes leaking
again. Moe holds his hand under the leak, then holds his
hand over to Larry.
MOE: (to Larry) Now see whatcha did?
LARRY: (looking at Moe’s hand) What?
MOE: (slapping Larry with the wet hand) Get outta hea!
LARRY: Wait a minute! We can’t fix it while it’s
(looking around the basement) I wonder where you shut the
water off.
SHEMP: It must be upstairs. Water always runs downhill.
MOE: (pinching Shemp’s cheek) You’re a very intelligent
SHEMP: Thanks!
MOE: Yeah... Shut the water off!!!!
SHEMP: Alright! (quickly picks up his tools and heads for
the stairs leading to the outside of the basement)
Moe bends back down under the pipe and the water leaks on
his head.
MOE: (holding his head) Oh!
LARRY: Wet, ain’t it? Heh!
MOE: Yeah... (reaches over to eyepoke Larry)
LARRY: (covering his eyes) Ohh...
Moe punches Larry on the stomach, then bops him on the
head, followed by a slap on the forehead. Camera cuts
to Shemp walking in the hallway of the mansion. One of
pipes he’s carrying happens to fall right down next to the
basement door. Shemp walks around and notices a bathroom
door. He opens the door and then drops his tools on the
floor and walks in. Somebody is using the shower behind
the curtains. Shemp walks up to the shower curtains and
on it like a door. The curtains open up and Mr.
Norfleet peeks his head out from behind it.
SHEMP: Sorry, buddy. You’ll have to shut off that water.
MR. NORFLEET: I beg your pardon!
SHEMP: C’mon, pal, this’ll run into overtime! (opens the
shower curtains and reveals Mr. Norfleet with a towel
wrapped over his lower body)
MR. NORFLEET: (walking out of the shower) I say!
SHEMP: Never mind what you say...
MR. NORFLEET: Who are you???
SHEMP: Who am I? I’m the plumber. Get outta here!
(Mr. Norfleet leaves through the bathroom door and Shemp
closes it after him) \"Who am I?\" That’s a hot one!
Shemp steps into the shower and turns the shower faucet
all the way off, but water still comes out of the shower
SHEMP: Oh, stubborn, eh?
Shemp takes a wrench out of his toolbag and twists the
water faucet all the way off. Water splashes out of the
faucet hole and onto Shemp.
SHEMP: Oh, must be a loose washer! (covering the faucet
hole with his hands) How do ya like that? (reaching for
the pliers in his back pocket) I’ll fix that in a minute!
Gotta be a loose washer... (accidentally drops the pliers)
Shemp uncovers the faucet hole and then bends over and
up the pliers. The water from the faucet hole slashes him
again. Shemp covers the hole again and then swings the
pliers at it, but accidentally hits his hand.
Camera cuts back down inside of the basement with Moe and
Larry. Moe is twisting the pipe with a wrench, as Larry
sits beside him, relaxing while reading a newspaper.
notices that the pail next to him held under the leak is
filled with water, so he puts his newspaper down and dumps
all the water out of the pail. Then he stands the pail
back up under the leak again.
LARRY: (picking the newspaper back up again) Ah!
An irate Moe looks over at Larry and then bangs his wrench
over Larry’s head.
MOE: A great help you are! That other chowder-head
didn’t shut the water off, now you do it! (handing
Larry a diving rod) Here!
LARRY: Wait a minute! Where will I find a valve?
MOE: That’s your job, ya dummy! Look in the
kitchen...Look in the attic...(slapping Larry)...Look in
the backyard!
LARRY: Alright!
Larry holds his diving rod behind him then begins to walk
away. The rod gets caught onto the back of Moe’s
suspenders. As Larry tries to walk away, the suspenders
stretch out farther. So Larry then legs go of the rod,
it goes flying backwards into Moe’s head, knocking him
the furnace. Larry jumps in the shock as he sees this,
then dashes out of the basement in fright. The camera
back into the bathroom, where Shemp is in front of the
leaking faucet hole, and he’s holding a pipe.
SHEMP: I’ll let the water out in the window, that’s what
I’ll do.
Shemp screws the pipe onto the faucet hole, and the water
from the faucet hole ends up leaking outside of the other
end of the pipe.
SHEMP: Oh, yeah???
Shemp gets another pipe and then screws it onto the end of
the first pipe. The leak ends up coming out of the end of
the second pipe. Shemp gets even more aggravated as he
notices this. This goes on and on, before the camera cuts
over to the Norfleets’ social party. The Allens are both
looking at the Van Brocklin painting.
MRS. ALLEN: (whispering) The real Van Brocklin alright!
Worth a fortune.
MR. ALLEN: (whispering back) Okay, we’ll...
The Norfleets walk by and the Allens stop whispering to
each other.
MRS. NORFLEET: I want you to meet my husband. Mr. and
Allen, Mr. Norfleet!
Camera cuts to Larry outside the mansion, digging a hole
in the ground. Back inside of the basement, Moe is done
finishing screwing a pipe together.
MOE: Well, that\'s that! (water from the pipe starts
all over his face) AARRGH! I wonder where those other
are!! (looks behind him and notices another pipe leaking)
All these pipes are full of termites!
Moe grabs a box to stand on top of and then begins
tightening the pipe with a wrench. Camera cuts over to a
chef in the kitchen washing his hands in the sink. In the
basement, Moe twists a pipe around. This causes the sink
faucet in the kitchen to twist to the other side as well.
The chef watches in surprise. As he tries to grab the
faucet, it begins turning up and down. The chef grabs the
faucet and pulls it out of the wall, causing water to leak
out of the faucet hole. Back inside the basement, Moe
accidentally pulls the two pipes apart, causing the water
stops leaking out of the kitchen faucet hole. The chef
puts his face up to the hole in curiosity. Moe then begins
re-attaches the two pipes, causing the water to spray out
of the kitchen faucet hole again and into the chef’s face.
The water stops coming out of the hole and chef holds his
face up to it again. Moe finishes re-attaching the pipes,
and the water sprays chef in the face again. Camera cuts
back over to the
bathroom, where Shemp is covered in a maze of attached
pipes. Shemp is tightening the last pipe with a
SHEMP: That’s got it! (throwing the wrench to the ground)
Now to get out... (notices that he’s trapped in the maze
pipe and there’s no way out) MOE! LARRY! I’m trapped
by the risin’ water. I’ll be drowned like a rat!
Oh, Moe! (reaches in his toolbag and takes out a hand-
now I’m usin’ the ol’ bean! (begins to drill a
hole through the floor)
Camera cuts down inside of the basement, where Moe has
finished tightening the pipe again.
MOE: Success at last! Just goes to show ya, you don’t
to have brains to be a plumber! Ha, ha, ha...
Suddenly, water from the drill holes in the bathroom floor
above splashes on Moe’s head.
MOE: YEEEOOOOOWWWW!!! (moves to the side) What’s the
matta? What’s goin’ on here? (more water starts dripping
on him) OHHH, moida!
Suddenly, Shemp comes crashing down from the bathroom
floor into the basement and breaks a pipe
MOE: (helping Shemp up) You dimwit! What’s the
of dropping in without a calling card? Now look whatcha
went and done!!!! (pushing Shemp away) Go on, get another
length of pipe! Go ahead!
Shemp walks over to an electricity box and pulls a pipe
attached to the top of the box. He notices the electrical
wires inside the pipe
SHEMP: Hey, Moe! No wonder the water don’t woik. These
pipes are clogged up with wires! (Moe walks up to him)
MOE: Well, yank ‘em out and we’ll hook the pipes up all
over again. You oyster-brain! (pushing Shemp) Go on!
SHEMP: Alright! (begins to yank the wires out of the pipe)
Camera cuts over to Mr. Norfleet talking to a guest.
MR. NORFLEET:, we don’t go in for sculpture. It’s
bulky. We...
The lights on the wall nearby begin to shake, from Shemp
pulling the electrical wires down in the basement. Mr.
Norfleet tries to catch the shaking light and appear
in front of his guest at the same time.
SHEMP: (pulling the wires) White all colors...
Suddenly, the light on the wall gets pulled inside of the
wall, and makes a big hole.
MR. NORFLEET: Short circuit, no doubt!
Camera cuts back to the chef in the kitchen, mixing
batter. There is suddenly some clanking noise above him.
He looks up at the light above him and notices the
lightbulb moving up and down due to Shemp\'s wire pulling.
Then the hands of a clock on top of the wall in front of
the chef are going crazy. The chef does a double-take when
he sees this. The clock falls off the wall and into the
bowl of batter, splashing it all over the chef’s face.
Camera cuts back in the basement and we see a big
pile of wires, then the camera pans over and we see Shemp
still pulling the wires out of the pipe. Finally, Shemp
pulls out the last of the wires.
SHEMP: (to Moe) That does it! End of the line!
Moe walks over to Shemp, dragging a water pipe
MOE: Okay! We’ll try and get these pipes together and
everything will be oakie-doakie.
SHEMP: Alright!
Shemp and Moe try to connect the electrical pipes and the
water pipe together. Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, the
chef turns on the lightbulb switch. Water flows inside of
the bulb instead of the light turning on. It fills
completely with water, then cracks and drips the water out
of it. The bewildered chef looks up at the dripping
CHEF: This house has sho’ gone crazy! [ grabs a match
above the stove ]
Camera cuts back down to the basement, where Shemp and Moe
have connected both the electrical and water pipes
SHEMP: I never thought I’d do it!
MOE: (shaking Shemp’s hand) Success! Ha, ha, ha!
Back in the kitchen, the chef lights the stove with a
match and water sprays out of the stove instead of fire
and sprays in the chef’s face. He tries turning the stove
off, but no luck. He then heads for the closet but slips
on the wet floor several times on his way. Camera cuts
over back to the outside of the mansion. Larry pokes his
head through from under the ground.
LARRY: I’ll find this thing, or else! (sticks his head
back in the hole)
Back inside the kitchen, the chef peers his out of the
closet door, dressed in a raincoat. He rushes over to the
stove and tries to stop the water from coming out. After
having no luck, he heads towards the outside of the
kitchen and again slips on the floor on his way.
Meanwhile, back in the Norfleets’
social party.
MRS. NORFLEET: Dear me! I can’t understand what’s holding
up dinner.
The chef enters.
CHEF: Sorry, folks. Dinner’s postponed on account of
MRS. NORFLEET: (to the guests) Well, I-I’m sure it won’t
long. Shall we see what’s on the television set?
MR. NORFLEET: Uh, excellent...uh, excellent idea. (clears
The Norfleets and the guest all walk over to the
set. Meanwhile, Mr. Allen secretly cuts around the Van
Brocklin painting with a knife as Mrs. Allen keeps a
MRS. NORFLEET: (to her guests) The very latest set, you
know. We get the most amazing results.
Mrs. Norfleet turns the TV set on.
TV ANNOUNCER: Good evening, friends.
MRS. NORFLEET: Th-That’s odd! There’s sound, but no
TV ANNOUNCER: Our special feature for tonight will be
glimpses of scenic America. First we take you to Niagara
MRS. NORFLEET: (trying to get the picture on in the TV
I’ll get it in a minute...
The picture on the TV set turns on and we see the Niagara
Falls. Suddenly, water bursts forth from the TV set and
splashes all over Mrs. Norfleet.
MR. NORFLEET: OH! Oh, dear!
MR. NORFLEET: Clarabelle, you’re all wet! I tell you,
(yelling in the broken TV set) television people!
(to Mrs. Norfleet) Realistic, isn’t it, darling?
Wilkes the Butler walks up to the weeping Mrs. Norfleet.
WILKES: Madam, shall I get you some water?
MRS. NORFLEET: NO!!! (looks over and notices the
Van Brocklin painting is missing from the frame) Oh, my
painting! It’s gone!
The Allens are about to leave, but Mr. Norfleet cuts them
off on the way.
MR. NORFLEET: Nobody leaves the house! ...Sorry, just the
formality. (picks up the phone) I’ll call the police.
Suddenly, water starts shooting out of the phone receiver
and into Mr. Norfleet’s face.
MR. NORFLEET: Wha...??? Who? What do I...??? Op-
What...? (coughs)
Camera cuts over to the Allens walking into the hallway in
the mansion. The chef, who walks up to them carrying a
butcher knife, suddenly frightens them.
CHEF: You folks goin’ somewhere?
MRS. ALLEN: ...Um, just looking for a drink of water.
CHEF: Turn on anything, you’ll get it!
The Allens look at the chef in confusion as he walks
When he leaves, they walk down the hallway a little
MR. ALLEN: He’s gone. (looking out one end of the hall)
can’t make it out that way.
MRS. ALLEN: We’ll be searched!
MR. ALLEN: Yeah... (looks down and notices a pipe lying on
the floor that Shemp dropped earlier) Yeah! (picks up the
pipe) They won’t find anything.
The door opens up behind the Allens and Shemp walks out of
the basement. He stops suddenly when he sees the Allens
with the stolen painting.
MR. ALLEN: (stuffing the painting into the pipe) I’ll slip
the picture in here ‘till the excitement blows over.
MRS. ALLEN: Anything, anything! Hurry! I’ll get back to
the rest before we’re missed. (leaves)
MR. ALLEN: Yeah, okay.
SHEMP: (to Mr. Allen) Gimme that pipe, I gotcha covered!
Shemp snatches the pipe out of Mr. Allen’s hand and then
swings it back, knocking out Moe, who just walked right
behind them. Shemp then swings the pipe forward and
it on Mr. Allen’s head.
SHEMP: (running away) WHOOAAA! WHOA!
Camera cuts over to Mrs. Allen talking to Mrs. and Mrs.
MRS. ALLEN: Mrs. Norfleet, the only strangers in the house
are those plumbers. They must’ve taken you’re
MRS. NORFLEET: Of course!
MR. NORFLEET: Well, what’re we waiting for??? Let’s go
find them!
MRS. NORFLEET: The thieves!
The Norfleets, Mrs. Allen, and Wilkes all run towards the
hallway. When they get to the hallway, they see Moe,
standing there holding his head in pain from when Shemp
accidentally hit him with the pipe.
MR. NORFLEET: (pointing to Moe) There’s one of them!
MOE: Take it easy, folks! I’m just a beginner!
Moe runs into the basement and the whole crew except for
Mrs. Allen follows him down there. When they get there,
Moe tips over a garbage can to trip them. Meanwhile, back
upstairs in the bathroom, Shemp is covering the hole he
made in the floor with a rug.
SHEMP: A hole in the floor like this can be dangerous!
Mr. Allen suddenly walks in the bathroom, startling Shemp.
SHEMP: Whoa!
MR. ALLEN: Alright, sonny boy, the pipe!
SHEMP: Come and get it!
As Mr. Allen walks over to Shemp, he steps on the rug and
falls right down the hole, landing in the basement. His
entrance startles Mrs. Norfleet and the others.
Moe runs up to Mr. Allen and grabs him up from the floor.
MOE: Get up outta there you! (to the Norfleets) There’s
the guy that took your picture! (to Mr. Allen) Where is
it?!!? Where is...
MRS. NORFLEEET: Stop it!!! No guest of mine would steal
that painting!
MR. ALLEN: Of course not! This man’s out of his head!
Back upstairs in the bathroom, Mrs. Allen suddenly walks
and pulls a gun on Shemp.
MRS. ALLEN: Drop that pipe!
MR. ALLEN: (in the basement) If I took that picture...
(holds his right hand up) may I be struck by a bolt from
the blue!
MRS. ALLEN (to Shemp) You heard me, drop it!
Shemp drops the pipe down the hole and it falls in the
basement and lands right on Mr. Allen’s head.
MR. NORFLEET: (noticing the painting sticking out of the
pipe) There it is! Look!
Moe reaches over to get the pipe, but Mr. Allen pushes him
MR. ALLEN: Wait a minute! (pulling out a gun) Stand back,
Meanwhile, the chef, holding a bag of flour, is peeking
into the basement through the door. Larry walks up behind
LARRY: (tapping the chef on the shoulder) Hey...
The chef gets startled and throws the bag of flour in the
air. It lands right on Larry’s head and covers his face
with flour, giving him a ghastly look. Larry shrugs his
shoulders, and then heads on down to the basement, where
Moe, Wilkes, and the Norfleets are holding their arms up
the air as Mr. Allen is pointing a gun at them.
MR. ALLEN: ...and if ya wanna keep on livin’, count to a
hundred before you move!
WILKES: One, two, three...
MRS. NORFLEET: (shoving Wilkes’ arm) Wilkes!
Larry walks up behind Mr. Allen and sticks his finger into
Mr. Allen’s back. Mr. Allen holds his arms up in the air,
thinking Larry’s finger poking into his back is a gun, and
then turns around towards Larry. He gets startled by the
sight of Larry covered in all the flour.
MR. ALLEN (falling backwards): AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Mr. Allen crashes off-screen as Larry jumps in shock.
Camera then cuts over to Mr. Allen laying on the floor
his head stuck in a bucket. Moe, Wilkes and the Norfleets
grab him up from the floor.
MR. NORFLEET: Get him up!
MOE: Get up! Hold on to him. (pointing to the gun on the
floor) Get that gun!
Mr. Norfleet picks up the gun, and then points it at Mr.
MR. NORFLEET: Wilkes, call the police!
WILKES: (yelling around the basement) Police! Police!
The flour-covered Larry walks up to Moe, and the sight of
him startles Moe for a second.
MOE: What would you charge to haunt a house?
LARRY: How many rooms???
MOE: I -- (slaps Larry) Quiet!
Moe and Larry suddenly jump as they see Shemp walking into
the basement, holding a gun at Mrs. Allen.
SHEMP: (to the others) Look at me! I got the other one!
(to Mrs. Allen) Keep goin’, sister, or I’ll knock your
brains out! Go ahead!
MRS. ALLEN: (trying to run away) Oh, no you don’t!
MR. NORFLEET: Wilkes, get her!
Wilkes grabs Mrs. Allen before she can run away.
MRS. ALLEN: You made a mistake! I’m not the...
MOE: (to Mrs. Norfleet) Madam! (pulls the Van Brocklin
painting out of the pipe) Here is your picture.
MRS. NORFLEET: (taking the painting) Oh! My painting!
Name your reward and you shall have it!
SHEMP: We don’t want no reward, lady!
MOE: What are you sayin’???
LARRY: You heard ‘im! We don’t want no more money!
SHEMP: No, it’ll put us in a higher tax bracket!
MOE: I’ll bracket yer head!
Moe swings the pipe towards Shemp and Larry but
accidentally knocks down the plumbing pipes connected to
the walls. Water starts splashing from it, and spraying
all over Moe, Larry, and Shemp.