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New York, NY
(Rolfe Edward Sedan)
1982-09-16   (86)
Pacific Palisades, CA

Character actor who worked consistently from the 1920s thru the 1970s. His career included films with Laurel & Hardy (DOUBLE WHOOPEE, FRA DIAVOLA), the Marx Brothers (MONKEY BUSINESS, A NIGHT AT THE OPERA) and Charley Chase. TV audiences know him as 'Dr. Watts' in "The Big Freeze" episode of THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN, and several seasons of THE GEORGE BURNS & GRACIE ALLEN SHOW as 'Mr. Beasley the Postman.'

Acting Credits (5)

Film or Short Title Featuring Role
MEET THE BARON (1933) Ted Healy and His Stooges Pants presser
PARIS INTERLUDE (1934) Ted Healy (Solo) Train station waiter
MAD LOVE (1935) Ted Healy (Solo) Traffic gendarme
HERE COMES THE BAND (1935) Ted Healy (Solo) Violinist, scene deleted
SAN ANTONIO ROSE (1941) Shemp Howard (Solo) Plantation headwaiter

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